Also were the xtals not enough? You had to milk us even more with these pleas for $6 a pop? You have some people who will keep paying to win and you see alot of gains with your hte crap and now these pleas but you just don't get that you are losing more and more of the community when you make every event pay to win.
In all honesty it may be a tactic used by devs to get rid of non paying customers and keep paying customers. #getridoftheleeches
the top teirs in the events always belong to the big spenders. nothing changed. are you just now realizing that this is a pay 2 win game?
Ok, but the exponential increase of the leaderboard is still stupid. At least give us a chance. It shouldnt be pay to win, makes the game crap
I wouldn't have minded if it was pay win since the start but they changed it I'm the middle which is a **** move.
Half agree with this - but for the most part he's right. Activity is a big thing in this event. Try not to overlook guys.
I wonder if the devs even know how badly they screwed up this event? Some bigger accounts are getting 70+ favor unloading 24 xtals on their alt pure spies and this is just people I know. Others are prolly earning much more. Just dumb..
Well. I like to see for once kinda like a event that last for like 6 months where u need to earn or win Items and combine them to get a reward or climb up in a reward ladder. Just free to play. No pay to win. Just to see that the people who are the most active win the most badass stuff. In that kinda direction sum sort of event๎
Very bad actually. Should be planning you future not spending absurd amounts of money on games. Priorities.