Get an actual build. Progress in the game. If you abuse the system youre bound to suffer the consequences. Bigger builds get more for a reason, they're farther in the game. If you're playing call of duty the level 1 peeps don't get the level 70 perks and equipment , they get the level 1 stuff. Consider yourself a level 1, now grow.
No, you're right, it doesn't. Level ones can be very good with what they have. That doesn't change the fact that to get Their perks you need to progress just as they have done, however.
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All those people whining.. Dam i just love to play this game and i appreciate Ata do much work and effort to keep us happy. Just suck this all up and continueing play it how it comes. Sorry for bad grammar i dont care. If u understand it what i am saying its good.
Just putting it out there I'm pretty small right? But the amount of favor I get has pretty much tripled so I don't see what the smalls are complaining about