Imperial Favor Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Sad your baby build won't be winning?
  2. protip: never alter your build for a 2week event.
  3. The spirit of the game has always been to grow. It hasn't changed one bit since 2009. That's why the All-Star war was introduced back then - to show the strongest players put to the test, in a battle to the death.
  4. People cry over statless accs
    People cry over the fix
  5. So drop rates have increase for all builds.
    But is it that big builds hitting big builds get more favor drop than a small hitting small?

    If this is the case bigs will Always win
  6. ATA should retroactively refund any xtals and nobs spent since from when the event started to now. No matter what your size is they just screwed so many people over by listening to cry babies who can't stop boo hooing over smalls and mids being able to gain rewards.
  7. This won't happen I'm sure.
  8. Yes it is. Bigs are now earning 30-40+ when small vs small earns 4-10 on average.
  9. I have stated multiple times that idc where i place. I went into this hoping for top 1k.

    Guess what? Im still top 10. I could stop hitting rest of event and obtain top 1k.

    I have also stated that the drop rates are unfair.

    However this update wont change anything.

    We dont get more per hit than bigs. We get more hits with drops than bigs.

    It didnt fix anything.
  10. They should, such bs how much they screwed people over...

  11. They do this in every event.

    I wasted probably 100 xtals when they doubled s4 payouts. Just gotta suck it up.
  12. Still an exploit build. I maxed crystals over the past few days and I don't care. It's always the same with you people. Find a way to exploit the game and then complain when the Devs fix it.
  13. Just update lb plz. Ha people really need to stop crying over everything. I was top ten before they fixed it. This will just make it easyer to win.
  14. Fix it u idiot they have basically changed it after I burnt Xstals over 50 so not exploiting game at all I've been this size for ages never been bigger so shut ya mouth and get out of devs ass!!!!
  15. When I dropped build from a SH it was a strategic move (some see it as a exploit as earlier posts on this thread are pure testaments too). I also never would of seen something like this happening in the middle of the event. Did the devs introduce the primal war in the middle of S3? No. Even when the SH was at its climax, as Ash said I too will not ask for my xtals back but I would like to request one thing...

    Moving forward, try and think of things like people dropping to a "statless" level and fix it before you release the event. Here we are, four days later, in the middle of the event and you try to fix the wrongs you and your development team did in this event. Beta test these events if you are unable to forsee the "strategies" people use to climb into the LB. Heck do anything short of changing the rule book mid event.

    Call me butt hurt all you want, but I just think the A Thinking Ape needs to "THINK" more before releases events...

    -Happy KaWing
  16. Doesn't matter what "the spirit of the game" is. All players should have a shot at rewards during events, not just the biggest players who have been playing the longest. If this is the new trend ATA should just list on their events that you need to be a certain cs to qualify for rewards so the 90% + of the community that does not have a huge build with years put into it doesn't even try.
  17. its always the same with you ppl. Others find a way to do better than lb, and immediately get called an exploit build.

    Gh got it. Sh got it. Smalls are getting it. Tower build got it.

    But when the mids cry that lb get way too much favor, they are whining.

    You are all a bunch of hypocrites.
  18. Thx for the answer.

    Well that makes no sense at all It needs to be race not biggest wins <-- this makes the event less enjoyable for the whole comunity.
    Im not saying that the devs should have done something against the drop-build stradegy wich is ridiculous btw... But this fix, I just can't understand the thought procces behind it.
  19. There's always moaning for every event. Yet we still do them. Simply don't opt in i waisted xtals and will deffinatley waste more lol. Good luck guys
  20. I ain't saying nothing but I want Xstals back and maybe the devs should next time let people know what the score is all gold burnt on pots and all Xstals and spells used wasted!! And now max xstal can unload any more apart from regen and I ain't a mid range build lol so go boil your head in the same pan as these idiots running events