Imperial Blade Mithril Drop Rate

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HaDeS_ThE_NooB, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. The sword drops mith? :lol:
  2. Edit-just optain first 5 mithril seconds ago, fixed maybe o_O

  3. Thats pretty bad odds, noob, hope devs increase it a lil :ugeek:
  4. My rate is just as bad as his.
  5. Since update I've gained 10-20 mith a day compared to 100-200 mith a day. Question answered
  6. Seems like they increased it again.
    After 12 hours with no drop, I finally got some mith.
    Then within an hour, I got 2 more drops.
  7. Yeah devs please restore the old dropping rate
  8. Thx Thesaurus u've givin me hope.

    @Wolfie, u still didnt answer my question
    so ur sayin i have to xtal to get 10-20 a day
    seems favoring the rich now. Cause im super active and have not xtaled 5 mith per 30-35 hrs. Somethin gotta give
  9. And 99% my hits was with blade. Decrease in drops is to much. i cant even afford to keep spells up for next 9 days at this rate.
  10. Wolfie, the issue now with this event is how expensive it is. Pots alone are gonna be costing you a ton unless you've got several thousand of each and at the date I'm going it it's possible to go through that too.

    Adding mith costs onto that and you'll wind up running out of gold or not being able to use mith spells before the event ends. That's where it was nice to get with drops, helped avoid that cost and you gained a bit extra on top of that.
  11. All I can tell you is within 24 hours of being active 10 hours I get between 10-20 mith. Without any xtrals.
  12. Even with that it's still costing you 30 mith to run the four base with spells during those 24 hours, still losing mith regardless.
  13. Well actually, I've not needed mith to hit targets, otherwise I'll be cased. Also I only need 100mil worth of pots per a a hit, to hit my targets.

    Added that I get between 150mil-250mil a hit on last hit, with blade. I'm not losing any gold in fact I'm gaining gold from this event.
  14. And another example for wolfie, i bought adp for event. I can not war with adp or i leak. I wouldnt have bought 500each adp if mith drop would have decresed.= more cost/lost in cost selling adp. I enjoy warring wish i could right now. Understand my situation?
  15. Forget the mith i have unloaded 3 hbs with no favor drop fix this fix it now :lol:
  16. @wolfie So not only r u getting more mith than most buuuut, event now favoring bigs
    cause im not coming close to 100m per hit.
    Thx for bringing that issue up too. :.(
  17. Perhaps I should have explained myself a little better. I used to do ee exclusively, so I guess I still have that mindset. If I do ee, I want to be able to cast every mith spell, doing so provides the best possible mith drop upon win. It is not possible to buy enough to cast the two largest spells because they cost 15 each.
  18. I don't understand how having defence pots makes you leak, leaking is when you leave gold out as a ps and don't dtw your troops as a Hancel pots have nothing to do with weather you leak or not.

    And who sells pots that's just dumb...

    Anyways if you're gonna cry about favor drops look at it this way

    Before update:

    Statless / SH got average 5-10
    Normal builds got average 1-5

    So you got double what everyone else was getting

    After update:

    Statless / SH average 20
    Normal builds average 25

    It's only a 5 extra favor count compared to before where you got 2x as much.

    Devs want people to grow, they don't want people to stay no stat builds.

    Anyways think of it this way if you can't deal with having to put a little but extra effort to make up 5 favors. The majority out voted you, devs listen to the greatest number of players.

  19. favoring bigs and the rich in a pvp event,
    devious devs at it again :twisted:
  20. I do not know of any war commanders that do NOT ask people to sell ADP, Wolfie. One thing the opposing clan always looks for is a hansel with ADP, because they will be a good leak. It is a common practice.