Immortal Dragons Vs. The United Noob Empire

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TH0R, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Thor

    Sometimes a good leader would know when to back down for the sake of his charges. Yesterday I saw your number naked and about to quit kaw. How many more members are you gonna lose in the next few months, weeks, days?
  2. The fact that they are attacking us at all says everything. They claim that they want an apology, but I'm still wondering what exactly do they expect us to apologize for??

    Should I apologize for trying to find out there side of the story about what Sour did to them?

    Should I apologize for attempting to get them an apology for the rude things he said to them?
    Should I apologize for warning them that attacking us for no reason would end up in an OSW, and I would ask for help from our allies if it did?

    Should I apologize for my response to Chief in PM Three days after the war had started when he called me a liar?

    Or is it just an apology for standing up to UNE and not kissing there backsides because they are so high and mighty that they are looking for?

    Oh gosh I'm sooo sorry UNE I had no idea I was dealing with someone soooo all powerful , how dare I even consider fighting back when you attacked us because we let one of your enemies in our clan. What was I thinking??

    The reason Sour was let in our clan is because he helped found it. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna kick out a friend just because he stepped on someone's toes. I was going to ask him to apologize for what he said, but they never have me a chance to.
  3.  Sarcasm and rudeness. Good way to show positive leadership skills and end the war that you said yourself that your clan wasn't ready for. This is a war game. If a clan shields someone being farmed then they should realize there is a high chance it will involve the entire clan. Not sure you're proving anything but a reckless disregard for the clan members and allies you are responsible for. Posts like these however will only make things that much harder for you. How much support are you actually garnering with this forum? Majority posts in here are supporting UNE despite the fact you've presented facts purely pertaining to your own side. UNE earned their reputation and you're earning an entirely new one for your clan, and it's certainly not that of a victim as you're trying for.
  4. @Op. Your banner about "what happens to a mosquito that stings a guy with a sledgehammer" is the dumbest thing i have read. Whould you hit yourself with the sledgehammer to kill it?
  5. Hello! Hello! Let me introduce myself. :) Who am I? I am just me. I am not somebody but not nobody.;) I have been in many clans under variouse names just as most accts my size. One clan I spent a little less than a year was Immortal Dragons. It had been a different clan then, bigger. I have also recently introduced myself to morganna and flyer. I found that I liked them but I do not agree w there vendetta against Thor and his clan.
    My first point is that this started because a member of Thor's clan had gone over to the United noor empire to help but became innactive. When he became active he pulled out his main w/out saying anything. A comment was made while this persons alt was there on that they should have charged rent the alt commented back. (Info obtained from morganna).
    my next point is that Thor has been accused of lieing on his veteran status and accused of purpatrating an adult when he is really a child. I told them more than a couple times that Thor is not lieing and is in fact an adult. I have known Thor for a long time. My proof of my knowledge is on the Ginger avengers wall which is an account in the United noor empire. Click on the link and u will see the truth. I know that Thor is telling the truth on both counts.
    I am not trying to discredit morganna, flyer,or any member of the noor empire but validate the truths that are being told.
    Morganna wanted to know y I am bothering. I am bothering because I care about what happens to my former clanmates but my #1 loyalty is to my clan. Morganna said,"so put your money where your mouth is" I agree w morgannas wit. My response is this....y put my money where my mouth is when my mouth is doing what my money can but for free;)
  6. Please excuse grammatical errors....I was in a hurry