Immortal Dragons Vs. The United Noob Empire

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TH0R, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Flyer and M  Whoop that ass!
  2. Bump*. Just because I feel bad for th0r that it got pushed off active topics so quickly.
  3. I love u immortal dragons! <3
  4. Thx Blue, and thx to all of our allies that support us and Thanks to all the Dragons that have gone to other clans that still support us and watch out for us. Once an Immortal Dragon Always an Immortal Dragon!
  5. Ive warred with flyer, u are in for a terrible long and gruelling fight. Hes ruthless. And far from noob empire lol hitting clan mates is a war tactic, just like when your in osw clearing your wall so your friends dont get it or get tracked. Good luck
  6. ID or dragon ***** lol cabt even go clan v clan.
  7. Lmao. You guys have no idea what youre getting yourselves into. UNE will smack you around without breaking a sweat. Save yourself the trouble of having to go through a beat down and surrender while you still can.

    New Age
  8. Good luck to you fighting TNE. If anyone stands for honor, integrity and loyalty, its Flyer, Morganna and the rest of the folks in Noor. I would take one of them in battle beside me, before any 5 of your simpering mama's boys. Lawyers are taught to never ask questions they dont already know the answer to; suggest you take care starting a thread where OVERWHELMING response is in favor of your enemy!clear your kaw calendar-youre in for a rocky time!
  9. Are you kidding me?? I have heard from like 10 people now that The Noob Empire is asking us to apologize in forums because they are board of fighting ? ROFLMAO!!!
    It's been barely a week and they haven't made a cent off of us but fighting against them is like being in a PWAR.
    I've made more off of them in the last week than the last month of EBs. Why the heck would I want to end this war??
    You guys are like ATM machines that never run out of gold! The only way this war is gonna end is if you APOLOGIZE TO US. For attacking our clan without cause and then saying "BRING YOUR FRIENDS ON!" And starting this war.
  10. One word and I'm done. Delusional.
  11. Noor is a great and old war clan, however many war clans these days like noor have become conceited and think they're the best. Best of luck to you in your war.
  12. LOL ^_^ ummm your going to need more than your allies on your clan page..... just saying... I do love your clan name though LOL(if that means anything) ^_^ UNE have always been tough as long as I can remember  good luck lol but then again, you'll need more than luck as well lol (just my opinion)

    aka RTF
  13. Shut up Thor I hope your clan loses, My support to Noor!!!
  14. All I can say is lol.... Th0r when you going to run to Olympics like the last time you was in trouble... I put 5$ on a week !!! Got popcorn and lawn chair ready to watch this one!!
  15. I'm going to be honest.
    From what op said, the other side sounds pathetic. What they did is not on. And, whatever these guys did, are y'all really so scared of clans equal to your size that you have to farm this clan instead? From what I've said you guys need to check your selves... But. People lie. I'm sure there's a big chunk missing from this thread about the truth and I'm not reading the whole thing to find out if its there. This is based op's story.

  16. Every word I said was true. As far as sour going to there clan to help with war, I am going by his word. But I know that when he pulled his alts from there after being inactive for a few months they threw a fit. Aparantly he needed permission to pull his alts from there clan. After this they started farmin him and he said the rude things he said on there walls.

    None of this had anything to do with us until he came back to our clan. And I was trying to resolve the situation by talking to Flyer and getting both sides of the story. But I was attacked along with my clan mates before I could do anything to help UNE.

    UNE is a bunch of Bullies that have let there reputation goto there heads. They were looking for a reason to fight a smaller clan and manufactured one to serve there purpose. In the end they may very well beat us, but in truth they are only fighting so that they can say that they won another war. That's why they aren't picking in someone there own size.

    But no matter what we aren't going to back down. What UNE did to Immortal Dragons was wrong and we have nothing to apologize for.
  17. As someone who's known Flyer for years in the game, the fact that you call him and his clan bullies and claim that they decided to essentially fabricate an excuse to farm a smaller clan sounds ludicrous to me. His clan is known for standing their ground against bigger clans not witch hunting smaller ones. There isn't a doubt in my mind that there's more to the story than is being told in this thread.
  18. Believe what you like, but if all they wanted to do was punish one person for being rude then why continue attacking us days after that person left the clan?

    I know the truth and so does UNE. This war is about there ego, nothing else. We didn't do a damn thing to them and they know it. The fact is, that if they were as honorable as everyone says they are then they would come forward and tell the truth. Flyer was the first one to attack our clan and he only did it because he couldn't hurt Sour directly, Sour had already banked his gold and Flyer wanted an easier target. No one in our clan was ready for a war when flyer started farming them. But we are ready now. And we aren't backing down either.
  19. lol. Kinda ironic someone calling UNE bullies.
  20. I can tell you're ready  No allies?  Flyer, M, and company have stood up and held their ground against some of the toughest OSW clans in KAW. They don't need a win against you to boost their ego. As you can tell by all these comments, these guys have earned their rights as warriors.