He never sent me a pm and invited me back when val was no longer warlor :cry: Though that's not the reason why I left, he never did still.
That is brilliant and generous. So Harb secretly master-minded his own strip and the beginning of Zafts downfall? Didn't you also mention he was a squirrel looking for butts in another post? I'm very confused on what his motivation and pre-determined outcome was going to be from this. Fascinating, utterly fascinating. Tron I eagerly look forward to more of your groundbreaking insight.
All people cry and moan like babies when someone goes and hires a decent looking ally, if someone was to hire your best ally right now i bet you would do all sorts of name calling and other sorts of stuff as well as attacking/stealing/assassinating/scouting if they hired your best ally. For a game, there are way too many here that consider this their way of living, look away from the screen and if your lucky enough, go mix dna with someone of the opposite sex. :lol: :lol:
I'm not commenting on an osw in any shape or form. I've know Harb for years, he's a real gentleman and caring individual I just met IMF in the last year or so. I was in error on an issue and he was quite forgiving. Another nice guy. Yet OP you want us to pick sides cause this game of snakes and ladders evokes nihilistic lust in you. No thanks.
I agree this thread is a pointless means of slandering a person n nothing more. Its intent is to divide ppl. Statless alts r not worth paying heed to.