-IMF- vs Harbinger_of_wrath (are they any different?)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by gimme_seals, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. In all my interactions with -IMF-, he's been 100% chill.

    When he was top 50 LB, and I was a scrubulicious nobody, IMF was totally down to earth and willing to talk about anything - even his own experience being a business owner.

    I see no relation between IMF and this "Harb" dude...
  2. Having known -IMF- for 2 years i can state for the record, He is a decent person always willing to help
  3. this is what ZAFT have to do
  4. IMf have a great personality he will never bully anyone also a classy person Zaft how low you guys have to go no one like harbinger actually I did he is a great person no the best one when is about kaw but he a great person in real life
  5. I personally have bought from harbinger_of_wrath numerous times. He has never hire hit me, not once. I even accidentally purchased while his WoC was up and i was followed and asked "please dont hire while woc is casted, after war you can though". Harbinger has been nothing but respectful to me. It's crazy to see people say things about him. Personally i havent seen it. Again, goodluck to both sides.
  6. The truth is no one can make a call on this, there are players whose personality in KAW mirrors their RL one, but there are also players who act totally different in KAW than in RL - it's their way of having fun.
    Both are perfectly fine and is their choice, it's an online game which most use as a distraction from RL anyway.
    Yes we all tend to have a bit of banter and name calling but to use the forums as a biggest weenie or popularity competition shows the futility of these things and I'm sure we could all list names who we think aren't great.

    From my own personal experience I can absolutely guarantee that one of the 2 mentioned in this aren't what they're like in private at all - but that's as far as I'd even go with that.

    Trollers troll, haters hate, others just annoy. One persons douchebag is another persons friend.

    It's a game, enjoy it

    JB 
  7. Harb is a boss.
  8. He manipulated the lords of KotFE and left salty wounds in his wake, that's why all the hate.
  9. And he has moles, (plural) in apoc .
  10. Must not be very good ones
  11. As I remember Crackers was former ZAFT. Probably you hiring from him while you guys are still ZAFT. Anyway it's not only Harb is hire hitter in this game. Cella does it more often but no one mention her. Romeo does it too but he is gone.
  12. Maybe not to your standard of expertise.
  13. Well im just saying that if he had moles, why didnt he know about the strip?
  14. I don't even see why hire hitting is a problem. Hire someone's ally, get hit, whatever. It's a war game people get stripped all the time. If you don't like someone or their attitude strip em. If you can't strip em, too bad. If you can, nice job.
  15. Did you know that if you stacked 300 trillion US dimes, they would reach the sun and back?

  16. It's all a sham!!! Harb has been bossing KotFE lords as a ZAFTy for many moons. Harb won much favor with KotFE during the early 2013 zaft apoc OSW. Biggest historic OSW of all KaW. At that point in KaW history Harb was a just a squirrel trying to get a but.

    KotFE Council conferred with Harb during these tribulations. Discussions took place, KotFE Duna and Nightmare agreed to accept Harb as a diplomat to appease Zaft. Or insurance policy.

    Harb infiltrated them, remember when HArb made KotFE assassins kick a 4 year member cause Harb said so ?
  17. Cute story, But none of it is relevant, even if it were true

    he got railed for 300T bro

    Period, end of story
  18. Actually we kicked you SA because you were breaking cf agreement with Zaft. And because we wouldnt back your actions and war Zaft over the stuff you were doing.

    And because you were so inactive you missed whole of last zaft war wasnt really a loss

    keep going with the butt hurtness those mister S Assassin or rather you are Anonymous now due to your main being 6mill cs for a 4year account and not even worth our time

    KotFE ignore this idiot he's pretty boring
  19. That sounds kinky.
  20. Who cares