-IMF- vs Harbinger_of_wrath (are they any different?)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by gimme_seals, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Honor and integrity aren't virtues limited to a particular historical period, class of people, or activity. They're codes of conduct that define who we are.
  2. ️Alas, my sarcasm, wit and good-fun-sense-of-humour was clearly wasted on old-cob-webs up here️
  3. -IMF- is a real fine dude and did many of us a favor. That's all there is to say about that.
  4. Here's what I think ....

    Just sayin 
  5. Having the pleasure of being friends and enemies with both Harb and -IMF-. I can say they both have very different play styles.
    Harb is very aggressive, no problem with that in a war game. Aggression has its place in the game and using other people's fear against them has its advantages.
    -IMF- is charming and would pleasantly be chatting in pm with you as he's running xtals on your account.
    Every lb has hit over ally hires, even
    -IMF-. I've known -IMF- to farm and strip players over an ally hire. Even put players into CA to be clan farms for buying allies.
    In osw, Harb has always been very active and even vocal about having people try to strip him. He welcomed attempts, gave credit for worthy efforts, he never cowered behind huge towers and was always a fun opponent in EE.
    You can call Harb any vile name in the book and at any given time it could be true. But to call him a coward is a lie.
    The reference to the strip on Black Plague isnt even close to what happened to Harb, a main lb account.
    BP was just an alt, a 43t strip and it still devastated -IMF-. He refused to play the account as a "weak" account, small research into where that account went can validate just how much it did bother him. A quick cf request ensured the safety of his main account.
    Stripping a sleeping player outside of osw doesn't take a lot of talent. Anyone who drops money on the game knows it can all disappear within 30mins, it's the risk they take.
    Can Harb be a jerk.. sure. But I've never once known him to betray a friend.
    -IMF- has a list of discarded friends who are easily dumped when they no longer suit him or his purpose.
    I've personally supported -IMF- through his own family tragedies and he isn't one to bring his RL into the game. He has however, on many occasions allowed players to take a "time out" while dealing with a family issue. Calling him a heartless monster is false. I know him to be generous and kind. He would have quickly allowed a relief with just a pm.
    It's quite funny to see small nothing accounts make horrid remarks about Harb or even Bom. To be a lb in kaw takes nothing but a good credit limit or a Gold Card.
    To play the game as its intended, war, win and make a name is different. Both Harb and Bom are legends in the game and can easily rise to top lb again within months if that's what they wish. A player who has lost the fear of losing is a far more a worthy opponent then one who lives in fear.
    Will -IMF- be the next lb tyrant of kaw? Unlikely, it's not his nature. Will Apoc replace ZAFT as bullies? Probably, and another clan alliance will come along and unseat them as well.
    It's quite easy to scroll through the lb list and see who is afraid of losing allies, who fears a secret strip while they sleep.
    In the realm of KAW gods it's Redstar who sleeps peacefully through the night.
  6. ......................... Yawns
  8. Harb and IMF totally different.. IMF always had allies open.. Harb on the other hand horded all allies. Freaked out if u bought an ally off him.. Support IMF good luck to both sides in osw️
  9. Val. How many people did you step on in order to get to where you were before you were dethroned? Weren't YOU the one throwing accusations about at everyone in sight to blame someone other than yourself for BP's strip? Weren't YOU the one who demanded everyone tower up as much as possible after that? The list goes on of things you've done, quit trying to drag IMF through the dirt.

    People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones dear. Go back to the hole you crawled out of please. 

    IMF has always had my back. 100%. Even when I left warlor (because of Val), when I reset my alt on him out of misplaced anger, when I said many things about him that I should not have. When I apologized he understood and held no grudges and he was the first to extend a personal invitation for me to rejoin warlor when Val was dethroned.

    Nothing anyone who really knows him will sway those who want to think the worst. So think what you will about him. It doesn't really matter what any of us think, after all.. It's only a game! ️
  10. Personally don't know harb but -IMF- has owned me before. Very approchable and fun in ac or pm. Just my 2 cents on this pointless thread.
  11. Rissa, I was never dethroned. I left.
    Warlor still asks me to return even today. Perhaps it was the pm from a warlor member that encouraged me to respond to this thread.
    It's funny your anger is now "misplaced" towards Imf, it certainly wasn't misplaced when you reset your account on him... Not me.
    It just shows you are fickle, and your loyalties sway as easily now as then. Because it was IMF who kicked all non-hlbc accounts, and it was me that fought for them. He didn't have your back when you weren't allowed to go to GOE, he was the one who refused you.
    It was me who spent hours teaching you strategy and XTAL techniques, not Imf.
    As far as the BP strip, I remember it was me who posted the cf request at his request.
    I have no interest in defaming him. Nothing I said was false, I don't believe he's a bad guy, just human.
  12. how people can get so worked up in this game is just ridiculous and when people get full of themselves. wakey wakey no one gives a **** lol. approach someone like a moron expect to be treated like a moron want to go in high places? wait a long time be a girl or just talk a bit more than the next guy, boom some kiss ass will talk about loyalty integrity and respect as if it's a thing anymore all I have to do is read the news and satisfy myself that's not the case it's just a few peoples false ideals.

    harb and IMF are probably douches to some and gentlemen to others the same as every other person... ever.
  13. Val please stop being so rationale. You are suppose to be demonizing others including me lol. For those with the harb is this or that you frankly never knew me and I have too strong of an esteem to even care what you think. I was an ally hoarder? Lol, I'm surprise the countless that shopped me daily don't have the strength to refute the nonsense being spewed on this thread.

    The truth is perception is reality and whatever one choose to perceive will become their truth. It's human nature to perceive what we choose to perceive and make it our facts but that doesn't make it fact. Lastly, good and bad are relative. No person is truly good and no person is truly bad. Every person have both qualities and that's what makes them human.

    Personally I find threads like this funny and amusing just watching how the troll trolls and the mindless sheeps follow. ️
  14. Final note, this thread is a classic example as why I try to avoid forums the best I can. This troll author may be a child or someone with a limited degree of intellect that forms opinions based on their skewed perception or just going by hearsay. Why argue or attempt to justify who you are with such a person? It's insane to try to. For those that took the time to know me, they know who I am and I am satisfied with that. For those who live to demonize in some attempt to justify their own agenda they will continue to do so regardless. Their subconscious mind will drive them to form that perception and their conscious mind will make them believe. This is why every person always classify their rival or enemy as some sort of jerk but in almost every case it's personality conflicts or one is viewed as a barrier to the other self interest goals.
    I have never met a pure good person nor a pure bad person. If anyone knows such a person I would really like to meet them.
  15.  You talk a lot, yet don't say much.
  16. #savethecheerleadersavetheworld
  17. #isthischeerleaderhot?
  18. Someone bump the "why we hate harb" thread(s) 
  19. Main difference between Harb and imf is the number of allies they own.

    Val, nobody wants U back

    The dress is blue and black !!!