-IMF- vs Harbinger_of_wrath (are they any different?)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by gimme_seals, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. There's a popular theory about the internet that says:

    Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience + Lack of consequence = Total ass

    Me, I tend to go with John Wooden. 'The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching.' The internet doesn't turn you into an ass. You were already an ass. The internet simply makes it easier for you to demonstrate it because you usually don't face any consequences.
  2. Well said, Black Dragon. I totally agree.
  3. Quality post by dragon ,kinda sums up the internet as a whole, not just kaw
  4. Don't mix up standards of typical CF requests in osws with actions in such tragic cases. Is it bad to execute a planned strip on such a person? Looking at his wall and reading the posts here...everyone has his/her own opinion! It's a weak attempt trying to justify the own disrespectful behaviour by finger pointing on others actions. Dragon made a perfect post about all such people....
    At the end I must admit I'm shocked but agree with mickey. Who are you to judge how one must grieve or tries to handle the personal lost of a loved people?
  5. Like I said if that person means that much to you request cf and leave game. Don't throw personal crap into this game and expect sympathy. How much pride do you have in a damn online game that you won't ask for a cf to spend time with family. ITS A DAMN ONLINE GAME. What the hell. He didn't asked for cf so this game obviously meant more to him than the death in the family in my eyes.
  6. Obviously he acts like that, what LB doesn't?

    Remember who stripped Bom? Hmm. :roll:
  7. Support to -IMF- 100%.
    Zaft. 0%

    Have known both for a long time
  8. 100% support to IMF, even before I came to Warlor he took the time to answer and help a "Noobish" player. I can't say the same for most of the other LB players.
  9. Harb is probably one of the most disrespectful ppl I have come across in any game. I know many would agree, including many ex-zaft members.

    IMF is a level-headed classy person. He tries to be respectful at all times, even in those times I personally wouldn't have. He has always been there for us. 100% support IMF

    Regarding the fury post. Why wouldn't you ask for a cf? I'm sorry if a rl family member died, I would ask for a cf. I agree with Tim on this one.
  10. Imf your such a horrible person for doing what you're suppose to do on this game, I'm mean really, you're going to strip people in the osw, what a monster and now you're acting like you can't read minds? We all know better, you became lb not because you worked hard and put the time in but because you read minds.

    Also can you let me know who the next zafties to get harbed will be........
  11. Harb likes honey. Charles Dickens likes bees.

    Also, WHAT COLOR IS THAT FREAKING DRESS!!?? It's blue and black !!
  12. I've seen the dress.

    I've seen it blue and black and gold and white.

    I'm practically a god.

  13. I've seen the practical God 
  14. I hope u dun mind if I copy/paste that into the next poppa/mommabear welcome back/get better thread pops up, k?
  15. Mick
    Here's my opinion on that particular matter: apoc sees an opportunity for an easy strip after reading F-U-R-Y's banner. Which I personally don't see being morally wrong in a war game. Fact that they need an easy opportunity is another story. We catch the strip with sct checks and get Fury to login (we got a hold of him Val, so ur post is invalid). What I find disgusting is that IMF (prolly butthurt over another fail strip) proceeds to post Fury's wall with unnecessary crap and accusations. I saw some say that Imf is a classy guy. Yeah that's very classy..

    The following quote perfectly sums it up:

  16. Well, here at WarloR we support IMF 100%. You don't have to feel pity for us.

    And the dress is Black and Blue!!!
  17. No support!!!! Its gold and white lol
  18. I wasn't even referring to the FURY guy. I was saying people to ask for temporary CFs because of real life events. If this guy didnt fair enough to him
  19. Studies show that those who see black and blue have small wangs

  20. Dude talks like this is not a game. Dude talks like we are all in the 1700's and we have real swords.. Dude talks like people have honour these days. Dude needs to get off the meth.

    It's a game, remember the people behind the screens are people and not knights of the realm swinging swords and beheading their enemies 