-IMF- vs Harbinger_of_wrath (are they any different?)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by gimme_seals, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. The real question here is...

    who cares?
  2. The people of the tiran island care.
  3. Unplug your phone Troll
  4. Hell yeah they are different! Imf is nice and actually replies to people unlike most robot like top lb players who wouldnt give a second of their time. Harb hire hits and bullies people. Imf ally shop is always open and When his allies gets hired during osw he simply follows and tries to work things out. when harb allies get hired he hits and makes threats. Much different approach eh? In regards to fury wall.. look you guys are in an osw. Trash talk happens on both sides, judge him on his actions before and after the war and you'll see imf is nothing like him.
  5.  statless alt kek
  6. I really can't believe all the tiran island hotels aren't actually on tiran island.
  7. btw there is no language where you write tyrant with an "i".
    I bet your main is ML_Im_so_dumb_ML
  8. More like a statless main. I dont play the game actively but i try to keep up with my kaw news. I also have no to reason hide. All i did was compare the two.
  9. You don't play the game... Yet you keep with the kaw news?

    That's sad. Realllllly sad. Lol.
  10. Troll stop trying to derail this thread you ignorant fool.It's obviously a typo.
  11. Tell that to philo
  12. Because this is such a great thread. /end sarcasm.

    I wasn't aware it was a typo, I thought he was calling harbinger a tiran, a person from the island of tiran.

    Maybe if he plans on making threads from his lovely statless alt he should proofread.
  13. Explain why its sad? I played this game for about 3 years. Now i go on every so often to see whats happening with the big alliances, cause afterall its pretty interesting.  im guessing your not the type to read or spend a dime on a newspaper.
  14. Philosopher has a main. That's why as soon as a big event happens, his inactive accounts comes straight back to life and on forums. If he didn't have a main there's no way he'd make forum posts on topics that quick.

    It still sad. You regularly check up on a game you don't even play anymore and make forum topics on it? Never known anyone to do that
  15. Didn't harb rage quit after his strip. He only came back because they thought it would hold zaft together. The truth is it only helped tear them farther apart. Even now when someone leaves zaft for not agreeing with the osw. Harb uses foul language cursing them out for choosing not to protect the leaders of zaft while they hit eb's. Harb is a sad little man.

  16. 1337 posts. your career is over. don't post more and live in the shadows :D
  17.  sounds like in the butt
  18. nice spy stats OP
  19. I can't believe tiran island even has hotels ...looks like a turrible turrible place
  20. Oh yes its very sad that i keep up with kaw news. Wanna know what else is sad. I watch basketball! A sport i dont ever play! Im also keeping up with current events that has nothing to do with me! Sad! Hey why do i even buy a newspaper, im not even on the front page!  indeed its sad.