I'm finally a LB player!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TankedTheMlLICIOUSMurderer, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Does buying the cheapest pro pack count as being a spender? only thing i have ever bought on kaw

  2. I don't spend much, enough to keep my pass ahead a few weeks and the occasional train. 150$-100$ a month on average.
    It's quite easy to get up there.

    I have a non spending alt at 7k and I'm barely active on him. :lol:
  3. That's still $1200-$1800 a year, kids in afrika couldve eaten that :(
  4. Why would you force kids in Africa to eat money?
  5. So they can feel rich too
  6. 
  7. You don't spend a whole ton though do you ?  wow
  8. No I don't spend a "whole ton." If I did, you'd see me with allies. :lol:

    Although there are players actively chasing top spots in events and stocking up on BFA, they spend tons on trains and what not.

    I don't care much for gold or BFA, so most of the gold I have, I bank or open for PvP.

    The only thing I spend on is my HTE pass and a few xtals for LL. Really tired of HTE, so I probably won't be doing that anymore either. :D
  9. Why do I have a feeling your the type of KAW players that has spent tons of gold for inferno in the past lol.
  11. He iz speaking da twooth! He tolded me in privet meseag
  12. nice sword.
  13. Feels good that your money didn't go to waste