I'm a bird

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Finite, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. [​IMG]

    They have extra wings and legs of course they're gonna way more. Lmfao
  2. Swiggity swooty, I is coming fo' dat booty.
  3. Mutant chickens taste 60% better than chickens in the fifties.

    I bet radioactive chickens are to die for.

  4. Calling me a Jerk is Like Slapping your Face Naughty Frogy.

    Im Glad Frogy Like a Thread. :-* :-*
  5. What the hell...?!
  7. Weigh*
  8. I am not a bird...
  9. Anyone else like make a forum just to see what trolls would come but then your forum just becomes some random post?
  10. I love this thread. May it never die.
  11. Ever ever ever ever...
  12. 10 seconds later eagle locks it for
    "Lack of effort"
  13. Forum mods are focused on prose. This one liner is full of deep thought, effort & content.

    Almost as good as I AM BACK or what's your favorite _______?

    They are zero'd in on spammy threads, no time to review these informative & enjoyable reads.
  14. Plot twists mods are just using alt accounts to talk on this forum.
  15. Plot twist OP actually died
  16. Plot twist, I'm still dead....
  17. Tbh it took some effort to keep it alive
  18. Isn't today where like Americans light fires to things that fly? Nearly killed a bird in action.
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