I'm a bird

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Finite, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. I think the grand canyon is just a giant craton.
  2. This thread is so poetic
  3. The OP is a poet
    And he didn't even know it. 
  4. Frog orchard? HA! U should see my whale plantation
  5. Why is it wearing a bra????
  6. A eyeball? A EYEBALL?!?! Do u even grammar bro?
  7. I would know... *hint hint* *wink wink* *nudge nudge*
  8. How would u know
  9. Plot twist I am ur mom
  10. I'm a tequila.

    I'll get you drunk.

    You'll wake up screwed...

    Cuz you're in my trunk.
  11. Im el chapo
  12. I can't believe this is still going on
  13. Oh ye of little faith
  14. I'm a panda. Do not judge me for the golden tone of my fur but the content of the bamboo of which we all eat. Together.

  15. I am not of little faith. Just expected it not to last but I'm now convinced it is not a pointless thread
  16. I'm a democrat,
    Your argument's invalid.
    I'll ignore your points,
    And compare you to Stalin.
  17. Yo this is still active ._. My god.
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