Illegal Botting Cheaters Beware

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Hitokiri_Battousai, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. I'm not a noob. 1 account 17 actions 5 sec again when I xtalled
  2. Also have done maybe over 200 wars and have had 10 accounts hit me at the same time and not zero me as fast as this guy. Like I said if its legit then it's legit. As for your IT references. I got more people telling me in PM that's it's not possible and you telling me it is who do I believe.
  3. Yes I've gotten 9 hits in a second by one guy,probably god mode pc thi
  4. Who would you trust at the zombie apocalypse.. 100 people who don't know what they're doing, or that guy from zombie land who wants the twinkies?
    Numbers doesn't mean as much as experience.
    Though I am 99.9999999% sure nobody has removed the client sided delay as that is highly against kaw rules and possibly even illegal.
  5. It's just insanely fast I counted 5 seconds when I xtalled and had 17 inc from that same guy. How can you click pots and space bar 34 times in 5 seconds with no delay. That's just incredible
  6. I don't know but they always say it's against tou to bot sell accounts and share accounts but yet it's done by so many.
    Especially the selling and sharing accounts by many users, it can be proven logically and with common sense but what the devs want for proof is just impossible to obtain. so that why there is a whole market for accounts to be bought, sold and traded and other apps to aid in the sharing of accounts
    So good luck
  7. I don't know I feel like that pitcher that is pitching against same Sosa. They know he's on steroids but will not do anything about it because they are making them too much money.
  8. OP, I hate to break it to you, but this happens all the time in EE war. And it's not botting. Bottling doesn't work that way, to be honest. I would bet my KAW account that there was a slight time difference so your 5 seconds hadn't started yet and the guy was already hitting you. Then all the hits "came through" all at once within your five seconds. I've warred hundreds of wars and seen this many, many times. Just like when you go from 75% on both bars to betting the message "not enough units" and then 5 seconds later you realize you've been knocked out and 75 hits come through your news feed. It's just the way it is. I'm sorry that you're frustrated but there was no cheating involved here. I am certain of it.
  9. Was it 15 actions by the same person? If it's by multiple people, it's not that unusual. The other team must of decided you were a target in the beginning.
  10. Ever heard of lag? Yeah, you probably had it. Did all the hits say 1,2,3,4,5 seconds ago? They probably didn't but it's still possible. Just gotta suck it up.
  11. Look at your build. I don't doubt you were targeted by multiple people at the beginning. Just something to think about.
  12. Say that again south paw my build?? Please don't tell me you think I have 200k adt. Please tell me you think I don't have 27 tril in allies please tell me what's wrong with my build.
  13. And it was 1 account incoming not 4/5.
  14. Ty all who contributed positive insight to my questions.
  15. They used the repeat action button duh
  16. I was in the war and I will tell you that prince is not the only one who had this happen by this player. Yes lag is always an issue. And yes I have been attacked by 6-10 people at one time to kill my troops. This was one person killing off full bars. Yes there are ss of it and have been sent to devs through email. But everyone knows that doing email with devs is a waste of time and energy. Kaw is a money pit that only allow the rich to get richer. I spend a ton on this game and still will never catch up to the monsters of kaw. I have excepted it and decided it time to make this a free game again and not give the devs another dime. Happy kawing all.
  17. So don't worry about catching up. No one's forcing you to play a certain way or spend money.
  18. There's a repeat action button in ee wars. Where can you find this button
  19. Touchy touchy. Did I say there was anything wrong with it? When I saw your build, I simply thought that you'd be a primary target for most of the other sides players since you'd be so hard to ko. You have a great build, don't get me wrong.
  20. Oh well that would explain that so for the confusion. The war started I attk 1 time when to attack again and I was no troops. I was like damn did the whole clan hit me 1 time apiece at start. I looked at me news feed and it was 16 inc attacks from 1 account. The war was only going on for 5 real time seconds at that point. So it was 59 minutes and 55 seconds on the war clock. I hope that clears up any confusion. When I xtalled same thing 17 attacks in 5 seconds. Not lag seconds I mean like count to 5 and your pinned. All from 1 account kudos if it's legit you just owned me I tip my cap. Not afraid to say I leaked to a huge account.