I'll start off the story and you add the next sentence.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxX__GOD__of__WAR__XxX, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. 1,2,3,4,Potato.
  2. And the Grammar Nazi came out...
  3. Of your moms ******
  4. I posted somthing like this and got called a noob!
  5. And your dad call it Homer
  6. I posted this forum u copied me!
  7. You were not the first to do this idea teigan

    Back on topic, it died but then
  8. Said the big bad wolf
  9. As he huffed and puffed in little red riding hoods
  10. Genitals became wrinkly and smelly
  11. Who looked a lot like
  12. A big long hairy potato
  13. Then Balto came back after finally fixing YouTube to watch the robot chicken teletubbie power rangers
  14. But sadly was interfered by Justin Bieber. So they killed him and use his body yo catapult it towards Paris Hilton's house which is made of
  15. Strawberry shortcake( the person)
  16. Who actually doesn't have too bad of an ass on her