I'll start off the story and you add the next sentence.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxX__GOD__of__WAR__XxX, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Then they all randomly exploded

    The end
  2. Smack that potatos ass
  3. There once was a hairy guy living in a box and he
  4. licked spoons!!!
  5. I started a sentence because
  6. Then there was a storm ... A red-st0rm
  7. It was a special storm because
  8. baby i see these shackles baby im the slave!!! Ill let u whoop me if i misbehave!!!! Its just that no one makes me feel the same!!
  9. Then marry me died in the st0rm it was special cause its the only thing that could kill them
  10. Said the unoriginal jackass
  11. Then moose came and ruined everything
  12. So I killed moose family!!! :twisted: # I know I'll be banned I'll show myself out I'm sorry wait what's the post button do
  13. Then Mooses family resurrected and killed balto.
  14. Then balto's family took over but.
  15. Balto came back stronger than ever to kill Charlie the unicorn and the nonbelievers