I'll start off the story and you add the next sentence.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxX__GOD__of__WAR__XxX, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. A lesbian organ donor
  2. Who is really a man
  3. But got some serious surgery
  4. What. I'm done. A lesbian organ donor who's really a man?


  5. Betty white PUND POPPIES
  6. Then Betty white had a lethal vaginal discharge flowing from her body
  7. MOOSE ate it.
  8. Jester walls in and confetti goes everywhere!
    Jester Baby
  9. that had a pH low enough to dissolve
  10. But the human didnt want it to be the end...
  11. The human wanted it to begin
  12. Then Spider Man and full potato.
  13. ended each post as a full sentence like the title suggested.
  14. And full potato.
  15. Salad was the bomb
  16. What's full potato?