I'll start off the story and you add the next sentence.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxX__GOD__of__WAR__XxX, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. On in the liberal's minds
  2. A small wrinkled old man appeared
  3. And was killed by a falling potato, and then...
  4. A guy with a ***** growing out of his forehead danced in a strip club.
  5. Then Charizard sat on his face
  6. And I stomped Charizard.
  7. and he came back to life
  8. To the sound of dubsteo
  9. I did the 5 knuckle shuffle to your family photo album
  10. Then the family photo album became soaked
  11. Then charizard took a sample off the album only to find out I'm not his father
  12. We now the faggot who made Obama
  13. Obama was really king Jong il
  14. And he nuked america
  15. And then deformed baby's and animals were born
  16. And that's how George Bush was created
  17. The end

    Yes chronologically this joke makes no sense. But Bush is the most idiotic president America ever saw