I'll start off the story and you add the next sentence.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by XxX__GOD__of__WAR__XxX, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. I was the damn baby. **** you sire. I rule you like Silver rules Cyndi, like Oli rules Deni, and like Jesus rules YOUR MOM.

  2. No you aren't
  3. The only human alive
  4. Except kate upton
  5. Hmm this thread has been derailed. Better gets mod to lock it
  6. But I'm still alive does that mean I'm Kate upton?
  7. Because she is a building
  8. That's got the body of the Eiffel Tower
  9. And the soul of a Brooklyn Slum
  10. And a grundle of an 80yr old man
  11. And a chainsaw
  12. Used to chop up illegal immigrants