Considering you were calling everyone Nazis before you better call me one... Because I'm going to start being a GRAMMAR NAZI if you don't stop writing like a 3 year old!
You were on multiple walls Sawy. Do you ever tell the truth? You were in wc whining about it as well. Exactly like you are here!
SawyYSRr I was there and can back up everything that Stoirin is saying. You did it to several people and a clan with a German name. Nobody has anything to gain by calling you out on your lies...well except to let others know that you are a liar and a fraud!
People posted your wall in response to your comments on theirs and that SawyYSRr is the truth. Maybe you should try telling the truth because karma is coming to get you!
Ty for getting my name out there storion, lets go volley this inactive allie. Asih this is the truth i met you in the clan the forgotten ones and apocolipze was owner