IG stripping IG: the Civil War Continues.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. I'm a drama queen? That's a new one, now stay on topic small fry. 
  2. Tara!!! I still love you.
  3. So tara is your info facts, chatter(rumors), or just one side of the story?
  4. You don't get it. I know I can do a better job. But I also know it's no one's business unlike you.
  5. I see people aren't taking this thread too kindly.
  6. ^^That was directed at phil btw for his response on page 10
  7. Officially-Retired why are you still here? Leave already! Nobody cares about your opinion! You're just an annoying little starless big mouth. Do us all a favor and retire already :roll:
  8. Tara just ignore them, I'd bang you, drama queens are good in bed
  9. Lmfao  best post I've seen in weeks 
  10. Best post I've seen in my career!
  11. Just throwing this out there, and you may "know" how old Tara is...but what if she's 13?

    Come on guys, keep it classy.
  12. She's not 13
  13. Right, I'm sure you've seen her birth certificate and all that. But you get my point.
  14. This is a public forum, ANYONE can be 13.
    Unless you personally know someone, any name could be anyone...it's called the Internet, it's this new thing we're doing. Saying something along those lines is not needed on a 9 plus games public domain. Keep it to cc at the very least.
  15. What if Tara pulls a scarlet shadow?
  16. Tara = Chris Hanson
  17. Is this the fall of the great iG??
  18. Nice allies Tara. Oh wait, LOLOLOLOL

    Support for WiG/WiT
  19. Yeah i dont bang chicks that say they're girls over the interwebz