IG stripping IG: the Civil War Continues.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. You insult my intelligence but I was intelligent enough to see you off doing EBs while I got stripped x4...

    Not really the type of bravery we would expect from a council member
  2. That's it? That's your hang up? You didn't know I had several alts in iG still? You don't think I wasn't stripped to? I still have an alt in your precious wiG. Like I said before, 1st it's I left with an acct, then it's I talked to Belle, then it's Jong talked to devs, which is the issue? The truth is we weren't going to back BH but your fearless leader lied to all of iG and said his bank was hit by LR. When in all actuality his bank was caught stealing belle and they retaliated. We teach that if you start some bs you deal with it unless it gets out of hand, we don't teach to lie about it to get support. Since I called that lied its was a point by one side to push me out because I seem the truth of the matter and didn't like iG family to be lied to and abused for someone's personal agenda. Did I make a big deal when I left? No, because I valued iG standards. I didn't stoop to this situation, I'm here to help right the mislead ship. And yes I did speak with Belle during our war and yes I farmed her and she stripped me. We spoke about how to end the war, like any good leader does. Your more then welcome to touch base with her and ask yourself. You don't know the story, you only hear a few bias statements and run around like a martyr on amphetamines. Do some research and take the blinders of. We are iG
  3. Since when was it iG's mentality to not cause havoc on an individual level and support their players when they have? (@Spar's statement about warring alongside BH)
  4. Spar can't answer that question would ruin his argument
  5. Ahd, they are a shell of what they used to be. No offence but it is true. Same with BH and LR. black Hand used to be feared by EVERYONE, literally nobody would want to mess with them back in the day. But over time all these clans have worn down no doubt about it and there's no denying it.
  6. Same situation with iG, top farming clan. But after they jumped in the fight against yafi then pulled out once they, probably must've realised, it all started going wrong
  7. Ahd after leaving a war with yafi before this our plan for iG was a period of growth. Since when has iG been your forte?
  8. it doesn't need to be. Everyone has noticed it..
  9. Spar, iG has died... Been dead for almost a year now
  10. Jano speaks only truth 
  11. Since when has iG not been? I've only been dealing with them in opposition since the last week of 2009.
    Have you even read your clan's old thread? Or did you come around after that stopped being mandatory?
    Actually I might even have been iG before you. I had an alt in it late dec/early Feb 2010. When did you join them again?
  12. Jano, this is how all these discussions go. Points get made and then followed up by something irrelevant to what was previously being discussed. Point gets lost and then the ignorance begins to run rampant.
  13. Ahd I've never seen spar, or his name in iG since... Now. But usually the big characters from the "glory days" stand out and they stick in your mind. Slippers, JimCat, Wilson bla bla bla
  14. But WiG and WiT just need to make their own clan end of story. Seems to me like they just trying to pull of a White Hand Black Hand thing.
  15. I don't think you know what you're talking about.
  16. Tbh it's reminiscent of how Chaos Reborn got started lol. Initial factors are different but still has the same style.

    Also, I do remember him from a while back. And a few iG used to speak of him highly to me. I'm just confused by him saying iG shouldn't have supported its own member.

    Call me crazy Spar but when you've had 338 strip attempts on you and well over half of them come from iG et al, you start to get the general feel of things broski. (And yes I've kept a tally of the attempts on me.)
  17. Ahd I know of many on you and I've been apart on a few, you do go way back and the time frame you spoke of was when I was with Hrino, Max, Von and Hutch the first few days of Hollow. Their is more to the situation then just not backing him. He said he wanted to deal with it himself. What followed was finding out a shared acct got caught stealing when it wasn't an iG member using it. The acct was used specifically to get iG to back BH not to back our member.
  18. Why didn't belle say any of that before? Instead she said they hit the account because they knew it was one of blazeys alts, not because they received incoming. I'm pretty sure "we received incoming from this account" is a far better excuse than "it's blazeys alt" right?
  19. Well that's a pretty loose reason to war. Almost. Except it was your member's account right? So why then wouldn't you back it anyways? How are you even sure your member wasn't the one using it at the time? It's as flimsy an excuse as any iG has ever used to war. And flimsy didn't stop them before.

    Growth time? That's all well and fine but how many times do you think other war clans had to man up during "growth time" and step up for a member? I can only speak from my own experience from that but the answer is nearly weekly.
  20. Ummm ahdy, we did go to war, we did back him.