IG has Broken 7 Deadly Sins. (SS Proof)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __CHUBBY__CHASER__, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. No way im going through 200'something pages of another threadsrry pinky, but I mostly know u as a forumer, not a fighter.

    And Dingo was owner of LR until he reset his 4-5mill cs hansel..which he reset few days prior to resetting his main.

    Consair must be trolling.

    Now imablazehas been a whileand watch a movie
  2. Haha willy yeah but atleast I can admit it :lol:
  3. We was passed owner for a day, that happens blazey. Didn't hold it very long
  4. And u wouldn't find 1 post with me talking about ss, but if brood wants to threat with them then we can play that game
  5. Its corsair
    And no, I'm not trolling
    Why talk about ss if you're unwilling to post them?
    What's the point?
  6. Esp. If your talking about all the "information" in said ss.
    Really, why talk about all info in said ss if you're unwilling to post them?
  7. Furthermore, if you're unwilling to post ss out of "respect" or whatever then why bring it up in the first place?
  8. Corsair really wants to see those ss
  9. @Sonic - Missed ur half-retarded post, which doesn't respond to my point. This thread is premised upon being inside war info when its really crap culled from from a non-warring clan. Completely misstating reality and should be locked. After a couple of hours it has further warped off topic to discussions of screen shots concerning alleged cyper-texting. Enough.

    As for my war efforts, I leave that to news feed conversations. There have been quite a few that speak to me in this fashion during this war, but you're not one of them.
  10. This doesn't Answer anything, doing the eb get them gold for plenty of things necessary in an osw. Repotting, strips etc
  11. Corsair

    As for ss with 7-pride-7, I have pm Zeromus. Slinkeee tried his best to protect the name of 7DS and I appreciate his dilemma.

    Given 7DS is in your alliance I would suggest you discuss it with them.

    I do not wish to embarass 7DS. They have conducted themselves honorably this war. And even as we war, we will respond to their conduct with honor too.

    I only responded here when iG's name was raised. We were accused of manufacturing the issue.

    The ss would have shown

    1. We did not manufacture it.

    2. That we have known about it for a long time

    3. that given we have known about it for more than a week and did not play it, we did not raise it this time too.

    But these are issues for 7DS. If you need to confirm the veracity of my comment, please discuss it with 7DS.

    iG will not make further comments on this issue.
  12. Brood
    My point still stands, why talk about it and even bring it up if you have no intention of showing it
  13. Brood :eek: in forums!
  14. Brood fair play mate, that confession thing is priceless, I'm lmao. 
  15. @ Corsair
    That is double entendre at its finest. 
  16. As you brought it up brood, yes I am friends with Belle, but I have been friends with you a lot longer and warred beside you in ig family on numerous occasions. I DID consider you a friend as I do Belle.

    Yes, I did threaten to post ss of your conversation, but I made that threat 15mins after I found the conversation, when my heart had ripped open and I was sat there alone at 3am sobbing my heart out thinking that my marriage was over and my kids were going to grow up only seeing their father at weekends.

    I posted the ss in 1 pal group, MY clan pal and I posted them 5mins after I found them. You have absolutely no idea what was going through my mind at that time. The fact that ig had membs in that pal group I didn't care about. I NEEDED someone to talk to and that group was full of my friends. I got quite a few pm's giving me comfort and support, (2 from ig membs a bit later), but the 1 person that helped me start thinking straight was Belle. (she comforted ME, NOT dissed brood/ig)

    My wife hasn't seen a picture, but said she fancied you? Hmmm. I have that ss too and that isn't what it said. Yes I told her to fight in LR to help prove to me that I mean a lot more to her than you ever could.

    No, you haven't kept quiet, only in the forums.

    Yes, it takes 2 to tango, and my wife was no innocent party, but if you want to start talking ss we can do, of what you said to her 15mins before that conversation, or how she confided in you 2 days before about how lonely and depressed she felt, or how the conversation got to, and developed from her describing your body parts and what was actually said during the week after.

    I have the ss of me telling you to never speak to her again, yet you kept pming her the following day. But the 1 ss I have never seen is one of you saying sorry. Sorry for nearly wrecking a family and marriage, sorry to me, supposedly your friend, for your actions, sorry for representing ig in such a bad way, sorry for continuing to dig the knife in when you got chance (here for a start). There are more things that you have done to be sorry about, but as council, you represent ig and I don't want to sound like I am dissing them too much as I still have friends there and most of ig would never think about doing what you did.

    You can try and throw blame on me for working hard and spending days/weeks working away and not paying my wife enough attention, but 99% of husbands don't pay their wife the attention they want/need, do you brood? I stopped playing KAW at Christmas to spend more time with my wife, but am back trying to rebuild my clan.

    Brood, you were 50% to blame for what happened, but you have never taken any responsibility for your actions and try to pass it off as a joke. I can assure you, this is no joke and I wouldn’t want anyone to feel the way I do.

    My wife is naive, wanted to feel loved, wanted the attention that I didn't realise I wasn't giving her, was stupid, made a bad mistake,....and she may be a lot of other things, but she is NOT the person that you are trying to make her out to be.


    I don't intend to post any more about this, but you brood have the lead on that. I am happy to respond to anything you put here.
  17. Why are you here typing this shouldn't you be getting your priorities straight?
  18. Respect Maffis!