Discussion in 'Wars' started by FacingReality, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. @lopaidon Dude.... Get a kaw rewards card, I get discounts toward gas and subway sandwiches on mine...
  2. Mhm. I dont get the point of hitting a banked target that is pretty small... It doesn't do much except make them hit harder. And Melissa, you are giving them ideas, lol. They could hit u with their statless alts - they don't have anything to lose, and they could pin your spies every now and then.
  3. Strategy, training and mature banks win wars.
  4. Gotta love threads like this. I prefer looking at clan rosters.
    .alpha omega. vs. Sicarius Noctis

    I'm done

    Keepin' it Old School
  5. At WiG barcode...Math genius here and I can confirm that you are as stupid as your bar code name. 24 bars on eb vs 24 unloads on hlbc pure spy with 0 def pots....eb pays about 400% more gold. But keep believing all your own bs and stop complain that Regs are hitting ebs...what do you care? You're making more than they are right?

    @Lop....ewe it smells nasty here....I'm still waiting in your acceptance of my 1v1 challenge tough guy. I've also noticed you use that "I was drunk" excuse a lot...maybe you should quit kaw and try AA. Or just quit making excuses to cover your stupidity.

    @melisa the mod who knows nothing about kaw....bold clams you made about Regs making statless alts to post forums with. You have proof? Sounds like false and misleading info to me....very unbecoming of a mod....then again you being a is unbecoming of mods.
  6. Hey Proph,
    This thread is about war, not my moderator status. Just thought I'd let ya know. Also, it's pretty darn obvious that a large clan would have members who use alt accounts whilst posting the forums.

    Anyways, I'm outta here. Don't like all the propaganda and politics. 
  7. First of all I'm in wiT - you should have a better look on my profile....stupid name lol always a very subjective approach isn't it? I'm impressed!

    Also do we hit pure spies? HAHAHA...gosh I like ur trash! And 24 unloads on EB? I believe you are putting a lot cash in the game when I see ur battle stats also for buying crystals...but it's not the fact for anyone is it? So crystal runs on skeletons wooooooho! And hitting outa pin and banking afterwards makes 400% more cash
    You should try to think about ur statements before u try to act smart!
    Next point...do I complain about regs strategy? Where? If you are talking to me stop babbling like a narcissitic lil boy! Regs can hit whatever they want...their run - their strategy! All I'm reading is our "old style" isn't accurate these days LOL we will see it at the end...like wulf said

    But forums are existing for the entertainment and as I stated before I LOVE IT so keep it on.

    Finally for you iprophet - da man with the clever name...

    wiT Whatever it takes wiT
  8. @ Sugarbabe

    So, when are you quitting?
  9. LOL!!!

    That's really the best retort you could put together? If you mattered enough I wouldn't have to guess what sub clan you are in, you'd be in iG. Bringing up how much money I spend on kaw....oh god please tell me you're not another player worried about how someone else spends their own money. Green doesn't look good on anyone but mods.

    News flash outdated barcode.....I was iG over two years ago and they still use the same tactics as they did then. Yeah it's outdated and even your council who I've spoken with recently has admitted that. They know they are stuck in kaw 2010 and at least can admit to that and want to try and progress forward into current times.

    The legendary myth huh? Taking all this damage from a bunch of eb warriors... You should all be ashamed of yourselves for claiming to be iG. There's nothing legendary about you guys except the ass kicking you're receiving.

    I mean seriously you have people from iG saying stuff like strips don't win osw!? LOL. Not only outdated but full of noobs that can't grasp the concept of winning so they hide it behind their "alcoholism".

    Let me explain a few things to ya...

    The difference is quite a bit between hitting from full and from empty HOWEVER even at >20% you are making more than hitting a potless player. Banking it away? Are you really that stupid? You think they eb and bank then unbank later for strips? LOL! Yes you are totally outdated. Instead of being such a hater you should pay more attention and you might learn a few things.

    It's no wonder Regs aren't worried about this war. Fighting the current iG is like calling a retard for double dribbling in basketball. Sometimes ya just look the other way and pretend they don't suck.

    Believe it or not this is me being nice. I'm not posting ss of iG council members doing things not suitable for a 9 game, I'm not posting ss of that ridiculous "news letter", I'm not even posting ss of you talking about how Batt always listens to what you say. Actually you should go whine to him about it in council group...that's always funny.

    When is the last time iG stood on their own? Anybody know? For the last two years it's been NBN and WAR saving iG's ass. Legendary myth...lol.

    This is all like déjà vu. Regs go to war, opposing side cries about their strategy, several months go by, CF is done. It's always against powerhouse clans and alliances, they always strip way more than their opponent and don't even slow down in terms of growth. So keep playing the same tune that everyone else that has faced Regs for the last year or so has played. I'm not surprised to see ya singing the songs of yesteryear, Keeping to outdated tactics is what you're good at after all,
  10. Mellisa you stated it as it was fact and now try to make it out as assumption. So now based on your assumption I guess you're saying iG makes statless alts to post forums with huh?

    IReg said he was kidding about being the alt here and I've known regs to hide behind alts in the forums, and I know them very well. However I know iG does make statless to post forums with...remember I've been both a Reg and an iG...promise ya Regs are more impressive...it's really not even close. F
  11. Where am I? Who are all of you? <click, click, click> I wish I was in Kansas. I wish I was in Kansas.......wait how many times I gotta say that again?
  12. Did....?Did...?...you guys hear that...? You guys hear anyone ask iG did they want help with strategies?..? No!? Me either.
  13. You know. I see a lot of noob raging ig members.... But where are there allies?

    I mean... We know what happened to e it's allies....

    But what about war and NBN and TFK? What do they have to say about this? I mean, isn't it bothersome to know that you guys are losing trillions a day .... And IG won't be straight up with you about why... That instead they make stupid newsletters full of lies.

    Btw- congrats Gaya! My sweet valentine and most favorite stripped ally. 
  14. hello. I have a life. I'm so ultra cool cause we be striping yo trillions in gold. we only playz a lil bit so ignore the massive amounts of hold and time spent on the strips. Wez not kaw junkies I swearz.
  15. shhhh. don't tell anyone I was off the wagon.
  16. :lol: I heard it's trending.
  17. meh. just a forum visit. the game itself is still a total and utter wasted time sink ran by herp derps
  18. Truer words were never spoken.

    FF misses you. :cool: