Discussion in 'Wars' started by FacingReality, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Hitting doesnt do crap unless they want to hit a eb . Stripping win wars not pinning(ubless ebnoobs)
  2. Banked. Try later.
  3. Melissa is pretty sexy in green.
  4. Melissa isnt dtwed. Lolz
  5.  Much love! 
    Thanks for doing something besides talking smack on the forums. 
  6. At womb raider. Stripping does not win wars, persistence does.
  7. Lol melissia that was me if u mean that one ass checking if u was dtw.
  8. If u strip someone all of there hard earned money , u make them lose persistence lolz.
  9. Wait how can a ps go dtw?
  10. Or you just make them fight that much harder because now they have nothing to lose.
  11. Gotta agree with womb here. Strips make people lose their will to fight.
  12. Oh really womb? Tell that to all the people who have been stripped and are still fighting. Stupid noob.
  13. @Drgn that only happens with the pure warrers. Most are eb noobs playing big and large until they get 400 bil stripped off em and left penniless.
  14. Things I've come to expect:

    - Statless alts in forums presenting 'facts'
    - Tiny or inactive enemy accounts saying nobody hits 'them' so nobody hits anyone
    - Every strip we do results in T6 upgrade regardless of how long open and number of bars run
    - Target claiming you're mad when you farm them. No I'm actually just farming you.
    - Extreme misinformation at enemy member level (seriously I had someone almost as small as Melissa ask me when I was quitting)

    Be patient, time will tell all 
  15. Anybody can have nothing to lose in this game. Just ditch your allies and build all spy buildings. They are called pure spies. Booooring. "Look at me, I suck, I can be farmed to no effect, I have no allies yaaaay!"
  16. I'm not saying all strips make people lose the will to fight. I'm just sayin its disheartening for an eb warrior to have all his hard earned gold from hitting b2b haunts for months, just go away in an hour or two.
  17. Well I'm sure I can speak for most war clans here, but if all it takes for an eb noob to give up is a stripping, then they don't belong in the war anyway.
  18. @ womb. Hard earned cash? KaW gold can't buy me a sandwich or put fuel in my car. lol.
  19. Good point Drgnblade.
  20. Exactly drgn