Discussion in 'Wars' started by FacingReality, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Pies de resistance:
    A little-known but effective strategy of the French Resistance was to pie Nazi officers in the face.
  2. No one wanting to be an active participant in EBs would dare to post such drivel about a big clan, of course it's an alt, of course it's the forum, the land of alts.
  3. Meatsheild? I thought I saw a post where wulf mention he only want fox? Sure ur info are true?
  4. wulf is good at ebs
  5. According to forums, both sides are winning.

    I live for this.
  6. This bit about OutlawZ/Voodoo, Foxes being meat shields....I've been in OutlawZ for a fair bit and a number of wars and the only ally we ever had who put us in the position of being a meat shield was.... Regs. IG is showing itself to be a class act as an ally: respectful, honorable and good to work with. Let me be clear: Every hit and every strip that comes our way in this war, we accept on behalf of our alliance and as fair exchange for the pleasure of warring. It's Alpha and the other clans fighting for Regs that I feel for. Regs storing fat from endless eb and mithing up items from estoc (admittedly only when they win which hasn't been so much lately) while their allies take the pressure without Reg's help....
  7. Very entertaining I love forums. Good luck in OSW hope all gets resolved.
  8. lol. Sorry was drunk .
  9. Infact I can't remember typing any of that.
  10. @ val. lol
  11. Dude, that happens to the best of us. It's a good thing it's all archived so you can go back and read it. :lol:
  12. oooooooooooooooooooooooo, speaking of statless alts......
  13. I hope you are not [planning on using that as an excuse for what you said, though. Thas like beatin up a chick and saying "oh, but I was drunk".
  14. I don't give a **** what I said. It was said, now **** off and get over it.
  15. I tried to be nice and say sorry, but some dick head always has to try and talk ****.
  16. You accuse them of not giving SS, but you lack any of your own...
    Seems legit.
  17. Sorry, bit of a hangover. 
  18. Plopaganda. Ploppin' all over the place. The sooner both sides realize no matter what kind of bs they propose to knock the other sides members morale down, it aint gonna work. I think both sides have had so much stripped away and keep missing the new EE wars and mithril payouts (except Regs, they dont miss that **** :lol: just have to stop losing them now) that the slight differences in stories dont matter.

    SS party would be nice
  19. I love the people saying Regs are leavin their allies as meat shields for ee and haunts...just thought id point out that im 1 regen away from full about 90-100% of the day (yes, sometimes i get NO inc)...even when Regs do ee, i still dont get lots of inc. only 2 people in war, both BH (dig and barcode) hit me...otherwise i get 1-5 inc a day from Max. thats it. my news just looks like its bl wednesday normally
  20.  It gets boring zeroing spies. Just saying.