Discussion in 'Wars' started by FacingReality, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. I'm a main. I've seen the "news" letter. Very sparse news indeed. Nice job on catching wulf out though. Congrats on your "big strip of the month!". And yes ig, Gwan fights potless and does burn a ton of pots, hence his "smell of burning pots" banner for a while and him being in several ca's in the last few weeks...
  2. Yeah Lop I'm like 90% that was you running your mouth and then telling him you'll have to get to him later or some such. If I remember correctly you also launched into a huge tirade against Jayde. Can't find the thread that was in though so ill let it go. Way too many threads/pages to sift through.
  3. i would have paid money to see this posted with a main
  4. So you take me up on the challenge Lop? 
  5. Ok so I quit following the war for a bit. There's one thing you can't argue and that's facts. Fact is, I just scanned iG roster and they are extremely light on allies compared to when this war started.

    We know iG is legendary and blah blah blah, but most of those people that made it that way have gone the way of the atey.

    You continue to bash Regs strategy all you want. It looks to be pretty damn unstoppable to me.

    Crying about they aren't hitting me! LOL!!! If you wanna play pinfest go EE. OSW has always been about the strips, or have you forgotten that?

    You've got 2 huge lb players with enough gold to strip Regs multiple times from bottom up. They don't care about the war more than their lb status thats for sure. Pretty sad you have two huge powerhouse accounts that are as useful as two statless alts.

    What iG is failing to see is that the longer this war drags on, the easier it gets to see a winning side. I'll go ahead and say it, it ain't their side.
  6. And for the record Lop I am a proud belle fan boy with a terrible name.  Can't dispute either of those facts.
  7. The truth is that ig bottlenecks information to their members an allies.
    Hell, most of the alliance doesn't even know why we are at war.
    I talked to someone in TFK that said "didn't you strip an ig bank?" Ermmm no. That's not what happened but it's sweet that IG told their alliance a big fat lie to get them involved.
    Kind of like the same lie blazey told to get IG involved.

    Now what we have is IG - who used to be known for forum bashing and kicking ass- force it's members to stay away from forums and only feed them lies and propaganda through "newsletters" outside of kaw.

    I lol'ed for a good hour when they claimed a 1.3 tril strip on me where 800 bil was taken. But they didnt report that in forums, like they did wulf's.... Because I have the ss of them buying my allies while I was online and fail stealing me for over an hour while I banked the gold.

    They posted runners in the newsletter... And posted the exact same barcode 3 times ....

    The point this alt is trying to make is that IG CAN'T tell the truth in forums. They CAN'T tell the truth to their members and allies.... Because all of their propaganda and lies would be immediately refuted.

    IG is not the clan it was in its heyday. It's a shell.

    IG can't tell the truth. It especially can't tell the truth in a public forum. IG has to lie to it's members and allies- who don't even know how or why this war started! They only know that they are #winning, because IG keeps them in the dark and lies to them.

    To IG members and allies: if you are allowed to read this, it's not your fault that your leadership are dick wads. It's not your fault that you believed in your clan and allies.

    But it is your RESPONSIBILITY to demand the truth from them.

    To fight your family is honorable. But when that family lies to you and treats you like blind children who mustn't know the reasons behind the war, the actual amount of strips.... I'm pretty sure it was brood who wrote a newsletter that said that 4tril a day was being stripped off of us.... More like 40bil.

    Don't be sheep and meat shields to the lies. Don't let the leaders lie to you. Don't take bottle necked information. You guys deserve better.
  8. Is lop the best public figure iG has?

    You all need Swabia and MeatWhistle back.

    I see a lot of key players posting with mains from LR's side.

    Only thing I see on iG's side is a raging main.
  9. Lol Cheese :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10.  It's funny the strip y'all just wasted 4 1/2 hrs of your life on was fake, I've been awake the whole time  iG fails yet again

    Thank YOu:IIIIl-Fender-BendeR-IIlII, First_Born, blue_z, Katelle, zildam, XxX_CX_MaChiNe_XxX,
    ----wolfy-----, j-girl, jaygurl_07, lIlIllII_Destroy_lIIllIlI, -Hammerblow-, lIl_SiC_lI-Heat-Il_NoC_lIl,
    lIll50-CL053IIl15IlIN457YIlII, upanatom, Mancunian, -edbear-, Mr_Cranky_Pants, ArGoLi, Vermithrax_Pejorative, TheGood_theBad_and_then_U, Make-it-Happen, lI_Yarmes_Il, -LadyDarkness-, QueenVasia, LeftNut, TheEagIe, llIIlIl_ISS_DlG_ADHD_IlllIIlI, IlAIllIXIlI3lIlMIIlalllnlI, KittyCat346,llllFurious_SeXy_Mirsllll, --BH___xXxSOUL_DESTROYER__BH--, LaunchPad_McQuack, _flashbingo_, warrad, upanatom, Talky, number4, Tara, ooOl-I-lTOTOROl-I-lOoo,
    xXx-Tigrou-French-Knight-xXx, IlI-Salt_The_Wound-IlI, IlAIllIXIlI3lIlMIIlalllnlI, chirohorit, Death_Demon, Zobi_La_Mouche, BAKKA-M-F, LninOninLLnInPninOninP, IIWHII_OKyHb_IIWHII.
  11. Sup nubs? How's life
  12. This is VERY important.

    I wanted to say,

    Lopaidon is an idiot.
  13. TROLOLOL op, you lacking communication with your other fellow members? You caught EVERY strip am sorry I can't stop laughing at your stupid ass! Oh and funny that you can't remember your ex members  go back to your trash bin and stay there
  14. Crim Val Shol
  15. SS op or it didnt happen....
  16. It's so much of a letdown to pretend OP isnt statless and read the post and then check his profile...
  17. Hmm...I knew I left forums for a reason. 

    <Resume the BS session>

    Hiya Mew
  18. @crimson and all other iG Sounds like your mad! You mad? I wonder why your mad? Could it be that more facts come out about iG lies? Could it be if they had so much proof SS would be here to shut us all up? Could it be they have no ******* clue themselves why they continue this? Do you rage every chance you get? IG no forum policy works wonders? Statless alts happen get over it 
  19. Yeah they sound mad bro quick someone grab crimson more mushrooms they are wearing off and reality is setting in.
  20.  This is great entertainment...belle can you say iG three times in a row very fast ?! Are you waking up in the mittle of ur daytime nap bc you hear urself crying "iG sucks in stripping me"? 
    But the reason why I'm posting is I'm wondering about the question "iG are you mad?" LOL why you ask? I see one after the other of ur side jumping outa the bushes in the forum...crying LIES LIES LIES...holding hands and start singing we can do it
    The newsletter is awesome isn't it?

    For the math genius:
    Hiting EBs outa pin gives you how much per hit? And banking afterwards bc the so called "meatshields" are farming you when you try to come outa dtw reduce it 25%? hmmm....hitting with full troups potless farms without banking - but yea...you make a **** load more cash
    Keep the entertainment on I LOVE IT!