Discussion in 'Wars' started by FacingReality, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. I am sooo wanting to see that. Apparently there are huge angry trolls
  2. Jingle, you are real active today. Take a break dude. I was busy doing RL fool. I don't always tap these buttons moron.

    Devil, yes. iG is broke. Been broke since the real iG bounced. Even their owner didn't claim them. He wanted to bounce and hit skeletons and EB all day once he was stripped a few times.

    Bob, who are you? I ain't gonna waste time lookin. If I never heard of you, then you are definitely insignificant in this game/OSW.

    Trolls, I'll be busy doing EE this evening all over KaW. If you have a hate message for me, leave it on Jingle's wall. That will motivate him and iG's puppets to cash in some more nobs to try to shut me up.
  3. wow this is ur best?!? I'm busy in RL after troling the whole time? TROLOLOL go iReg lil boy...do ur EE!I can tell you about my strip and how I used the funds...several times
  4. Someone sounds frustrated, lots of rage coming forth. Irage lololol. Ill troll you all day bro as we steadily eat your alliance.

    Hmm why so frustrated if you're winning? LoL
  5. I'd like to post on this thread but a spear carrier without anything intelligent or important to say, so ill just post this frog. 
  6. Oh yeah. I also smacked belle around today for no particular reason. Her and Paulina Gretzky are both yummy.

  7. I'm shocked to say that I agree with belle a little bit. Lol.

    IG bottlenecks info way too much. I remember IG being a way more flashier clan back in 2010 that had no problem gloating over strips in the forums. Now they are acting too much like zaft and not enough like IG.
  8. How the hell did you get that pic of me frog?
  9. Well. I'm not iG anymore. So.....the forums are lacking my awesomeness on their part. Lol
  10. @belle

    Have you finished makin lop's sammish yet? Get back in the kitchen and make one for me too?
  11. I make Sammiches!

    They're only for DrgnBlade
  12. My clans dead? no one told me 
  13. Lmao sorry ireg and puppy dog , I posted this thread . It was my alt 
  14. And outdated barcode. Just wondering how much you have in allies now and how much you had In allies prior to this war?

    iReg same questions...

    Also will the real iG please stand up?

    Belle....you wish

    Wilson is probably the smartest person in the thread for leaving iG...

    Ohh Wilson could be a non bias middle man!

    Wilson what do you think of current iG?
  15. I came in forum to **** chat with all of you trashtalkers...and this is all of you? iproph a serious question are you living in a purple gum bubble? Seems like a lack of intelligence bc ur "smartest" statements are easily to use against you...I can show you my tracked allies as the war started and now - and? It's about 250b more Your next post will be like "you've bought nobs..." or something like that - but you shouldn't post it bc it would be dumb as all of ur babbling
    If my gold will be striped I'm still here and I will hammering their kingdoms! And it's not iReg bc the targets are given...this war is NOT 1 vs 1
    I told ya I'm wondering why you are so focused on reg main bc they aren't the only ones in this osw but seems it depends on the purple gum bubble huh? Go on trolling
  16. oh I've forgotten...congrats for the title "forum prez of march 2013" - well done! 
  17. Lol another alt 
  18. Shut up ... Shut up ... Shut up ... Shut up
  19. Jingle Bell, calm down dude. This is a game man. Rub your earlobes and **** player. 

    Belle....any more bikini pics of you and your friends??!?! Hook me up. That looks a lot better than a certain other somebody's piss pic that is floating all over the place. 

    Proph, I won't tell you how much I have in allies ATM. I'd rather Tat, Duncan, and Beast go back to the oracle and spend some $ on it. After all, they can afford it and it's good for the economy. Let's just hope that ATA spends it on America  But I will tell you this...I've increased by 1.6t since the start of this war, despite owning iG and their meat shield's trash allies.

    Brings me to my next point, I thought Foxes had a lot of garbage in allies, and they do (owned a lot of them for a while after we made their clan naked), but it is obvious that besides Stevemeyerhoff (which he's as good as done) and IronMichael, most were eating a box of crayons on ally purchase day.