Discussion in 'Wars' started by FacingReality, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. MH, put the phone up junior. Your parents didn't send you to school to play KaW.
  2. ireg youre trying too hard. a lot can be told fromna few posts.
    Actively aggressive online to compensate for emotional duress, probably heavily abused mentally as a child and continues now. Due to low intelligence you have no other way to handle it.
    Of course the biggest part is how you show herybody the extent of your foolishness by your posts. You seem unable to read coherently, grasping at whatever looks suitable to use as material to throw at the opposition no matter the context.
    Your loin? No, that moldy lump is yours to keep. i was publicly questioning your comprehension and you've proven i was right.
  3. Hash...if I wanted some counseling if go to the bar. Don't give me your Dr. Phil garbage fool. 

    Fact check: My news has been empty except a fail steal from the BL for the last 12 hours.
  4. Sorry, but what? Lmao- All foxes hav done recently is lost wars and cried lots all over forums. Ever seen regs cry like foxes have? Your use of big words isn't gonna change that.
  5.  That's another fact check.

  6. Bahahahahahahahaa!!!! IReg my iBrother! Too funny. Mainly cause its all true.

    Little foxes assassin. I love that you think you can diagnose someone by a few post in forums. iReg is the real honey badger. You might wanna learn that soon. Aggression... Um it's still a war game right?

    @outdated barcode. Maybe you have a hard time reading. I'll type this slow...EVEN FROM PIN YOU MAKE MORE HITTING EB THAN HITTING A POTLESS PLAYER FROM FULL. Did you catch it that time? You're an idiot lol.

    Ohh and I did something else for ya too...

    First I'm sorry to all the regs I was hitting for the last 4 hours but I was merely testing something.

    Ok outdated barcode who thinks he make more hitting potless farms than ebs...I know your claim is as >20% pays less than hitting a potless farm from full(you are totally wrong and don't even realize how stupid you look when it's been tested already and the numbers aren't even close). Well I have a few things to add to it...why does kaw hit ebs at all if potless farms pay so much better as you claim?

    Now the good part....I just spent the last 4 hours hitting Regs....I attempted every player in clan twice an hour. In four hours of hitting - 566 attempts on regs - 48 dtw during attempts.

    I'm just showing you that your argument is not only wrong in mathematical theory, it's just a utter cry of stupidity.

    Please post some supporting facts of what you say. You're not that bright, and you've never been a master strategist at this game. I'd love to see you prove me wrong. So I'll wait.....

    Hopefully council doesn't enforce the no post forums rule on you. I doubt they would since you are batts puppet master.
  7. I love watching all these self proclaimed legendary players getting owned by a bunch of super geeks.

    Best advice I can give you iG is run...run away and don't look back. You are fighting an enemy that you will not beat. They are smarter, more dedicated, more funds, and much more organized.

    Keep fooling yourselves if you want. I've been a member of both clans and I can easily say there is no comparison between the two. In my 3 years In this game, I've never seen any clan as well ran as Regs. That's fact.

    Look at Regs osw history for the last year or two. Compare it to iGs....nuff said!
  8. A bit off-topic. But I tested your theory when I read your post a few hours ago and it seems to have merit if you factor in the bonus payout.

    Yes, the Regs' strategy seems feasible but there are too many variables that I haven't yet considered to be able to come up with a conclusion. Have you already factored in opportunity cost Prophet?
  9. You have a tendency to drop character when you're flustered iProphet. Take a deep breath in-between posts.
  10. Regs strategy seems feasible?  Firstly I wud like to state I HAVE NO LOVE OF REGS. But being part of a war clan- strategy does not go unnoticed. Looking at history Regs smash 10 haunts a day on average. They make 100 bil a haunt (average- probs more). That's 1 trillion a day= 7 trillion a week at least. That's 7 trillion more then there opponents are making. That's on top of whatever funds they funnel through secret banks. That makes for big strips. STRIPPING wins OSW. Enough said.
  11. That's strategy explained using maths  (iproph shud be proud, he loves maths)
  12. @game...I don't care about character on a push button game. I just tell it like it is. Like it or not I don't give a farm.

    @zat yes I have. I came up with this strategy back when I was a reg and we warred black Hand and half the lb. What you see is people hitting an EB, what most don't realize is that's the tip of the iceberg. Any fool can whack an eb, it's what happens afterwards that makes this strategy unstoppable. What's that you may ask? Without flat out giving it away I'll say this. Bank of America ain't got crap on the bank system in play for regs.

    iG thinks they have it all figured out but they don't have a clue. Hell barcode wants to argue with me still that he makes more of potless farms. It just shows how outdated they really are.
  13. Statless alt
  14. @bellemorte.

    What a post...
  15. BELLE!!! Are you saying I got catfished?!?!

    Hash, you mother ******!

  16. @Dies
    Yes yes I noticed. And thanks for pointing out the amount that they make in a day, along with Wulf's statement about his strip and 1.5t loss I think I've figured out something.

    If what I'm thinking is correct. I would say that the Regs have systematically made hitting each other pointless.
  17. Im not sure who will win the OSW, But LR seem to be winning this Forum War 