Discussion in 'Wars' started by FacingReality, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Please stop feeding the fish
  2. Iprophet you can spend anything you earned/earn in RL for this game bc I don't care at all ...but let me repeat it like a broken record stop talking about a theory to unload 24 crystals a day on an EB what doesn't happen for the majority of ppl. And about ur math "quite a bit difference" GOSH...stop it HAHA check the difference between first and last hit before you come back! I'm curious about what do you think I'm getting with my first hit on a potless ppl, huh? I'm still irritated you agree at least with it...bc I've read we are using our alliances as meatshields!?

    I'm wondering why you are so focused only on reg main in ur statements - aren't there others in this war as well? So iG is "saved" by his alliances and regs doin all for their own? HUH? Are these peeps the ones you are talking about as "potless players"? Is it honestly ur best to say if I am mattered enough I would be in iG main?!? What's about Reg inc., TQR, academy and others...they aren't matter at all? hmmmmmmm

    And talking about "haters" I'm still LOLing bc you can't stop babbling about iG can you? Don't stop trolling 

    wiT whatever it takeswiT
  3. Ireg your speaking out of your a$$..Show some SS or STFU!!!
  4. When given the chance to listen to the truth some people listen and think. Others cram their fingers in their ears and scream Beiber songs to block out the noise whilst crying uncontrollably. Most of you iG on here seem to be the latter.
  5. For those interested....here is a link to the ig newsletter. A note of caution is in order. This is a Dropbox. They are notorious for being used by scammers and people who want your IP address and other things from your pc/device. I am NOT suggesting that ANYONE in ig or its allies would do something like that, only that drop box addresses are frequently used by Internet scammers.

    https://dl.dropbox.com/s/bdjk2jjgfe0scs ... -3Z5JKPWnQ
  6. When iProphet shows up.. Everyone get scare and stop posting :cry:
  7. One thing is for sure. Lop is terrified of him. Never seen anyone do a 180 so fast. 
  8. Did anyone else notice how efficient we are getting at noticing when its a stat less alt and ignoring the point they are trying to make because of that. Ig=nazis from what i read
  9. I'd liken them more to North Korea. While they are ass clowns, they lack the planning and dedication that I associate with Nazis.

    Plus can't you see tatsugin rocking those nifty Kim Jong-il sunglasses.
  10. AX, Beast, whatever...you for real talking to iProph about whatever change he may or may not have spent on this game? You are a nob buying fool!

    And I enjoyed your rage and legal team chatter when we took your 8t. If it makes you feel better...I lost RL $ that day too...in xstal purchases while I taxed that ass!

    And for the rest of you trolls that left me a comment between pages 6-current page, repost it if it warrants a reply and/or smartass remark. I was most likely either sleeping or stripping iG and friend's.
  11. These threads really have disintegrated over time. Just fight the good fight. No need to trash talk.
  12. WTF I've already read it you aren't one of the smartest but THIS post TROLOLOL anyone of you check information before trying to act clever in forum? I'm not BEAST HAHAHAHA....Wulf, take your lil boys outa the forum it's embarrasing hush hush iReg run and hide behind ur scardy cat build and don't come back!
  13. You cant fix stupid at times balle 
  14. Yeah I can see N Korea too. But I dont think it was as cheesy as this propaganda.
  15. Jingle, Beast, don't matter to me. Both of y'all are chumps.

    I see you like my war build. I got vulnerable banks all over KaW. Go get them boy.

    Fact check: 0 strip attempts on me even though I sleep all night and have stripped trillions of garbage allies off of these noobs.

    Put that in your newspaper puppet! 
  16. Fun fact reg. I have loyal connections within hoth aloha and regs that sit on council and have admin within main clan willing to boot members. This war was won long before it started. But amusing attempt at a largely unreadable thread showing the intelligence (however low) of another LR junkie.
  17. Hash, cool story idiot. I'm not LR fool. Now slap yourself.

    Did you let that sniveling fool Joe proofread your "badass smack talk to iReg" before you posted? Prolly not.

    Now go get back to doing whatever iG/QueenVasia tells you to do cupcake.
  18. Ive been working this entire time as a seperate entity to foxes forewarding information necessary to those that need.
    Mind showing a bit of dignity now? Ill even buy you a scarf to replace that loincloth.
  19. Hash, shut up fool. I don't care what Foxes has you doing. Post a love thread somewhere else. This is a fact check. Not about your infatuation with what covers my loins.
  20. You ***** don't make fun of IG