iG downfall

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Melissa-Honeybee (01), Sep 26, 2012.

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  1.  Coffee?  Oh , now I need my caffeine again... So hard to choose... Damn you Starbucks
  2. Yorkshire tebags with 2 sugars and milk added to make it a clay coulor(builders tea) and you have to have some biscuits to dunk in it
  3. Mocha cappuccino grande

    Awe hun I am sorry I forgot your  and I won't repeat it again, I will send u all recipes 
  4. Ahhhh proper builders tea, standing the spoon up in it! Now that's true English tea. Anything but rich tea biscuits. I have a strange thing for malted milk, but love a good hobnob with tea.
  5. My only disagreement is with Starbucks. It's good enough if you just want a quick cup, but they over-roast their beans and sometimes it gets a little too bitter.

    Their special coffees they make in those Clover vacuum presses are really good though, I'll give them that. Only problem is that not many Starbucks have that machine.
  6. I'm having a huge caramel latte now  damn I love Starbucks.
    Thanks QV 
    Brownies anyone?
  7. And on the tea subject, you guys should try Kava. Awesome for relaxing and putting you in a great mood. Add a little honey and half-and-half and it tastes awesome too.
  8. I will take a cookie pls

    I love their 4 shots espresso 
  9. Where is Melissa noob? I want to laugh at her stupidity again
  10. :/ anyone notice a pretty large part of posters on this thread are iG or iG alliances? LOL  Love you guys 
  11. I vote for a campfire meet and trying these recipes out.
  12. Just my personal observation. But well since T5 is out all clans, including iG AND NA, are in a growth process soo your point, melissa, is invalid...

    And don't worry little nubsie. War clans always have a plan or scheme up their sleeves ;)
  13. I vote for a pepper steak medium with boiled vegetables and mush potatoes 
  14. Get cracking on it Vasia, I'll have the same 
  15. I just made spicy rice and beans in the crock pot. It's nice.

    Peppers are leftovers from the yard that I didn't pickle.
  16. Nice, got a pretty good selection growing by the sounds of things.
  17. I'm making chicken soup  getting a cold... Hope it does help 
  18. Kopi Luwak FTW!!!

  19. Drewy, fortunately for you and Melissa-Honeybee y'all are to small for us to spank. Until then grow some balls and grow a little, then talk crap. Yes she's entitled to her opinion, but so are we. (I'm still trying to figure out why this is in the Wars section.)

    Back to topic, my sweet tea was very refreshing and thank you Vasia - I think we'll be having Italian tonite. 
  20. Hmmm.. Is there a invite left Tara? 
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