iG downfall

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Melissa-Honeybee (01), Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. I suggest you try the recipe for spagetti with lopster. Boil the spaghetti and the lopster not together ofc in water salted with 2 spoons of butter, and prepare a red sauce with tomatoes and some spices (it depends ehich spices u prefer). is so so tasty
  2. IG downfall
    IG is a legend made from legends and it will never fall,
    In 2 years of KAW I saw forums full of small peps talking about EM n many cf requests of big clans with sorry threads n RESPECT threads.
  3. Lobster bolognese? Now that's living the high life! Classy Vasia, classy. I'll check it out on payday, living on a shoestring budget this month. Best it gets is throwing any vegetables going out of date in a frying pan with some onions, bacon and pre cooked chicken. Fried mash up. Tasty, strangely.
  4. I thought you got butt raped by your daughter? Eh maybe next time.
  5. If iG has fallen so far then why do you use us to get attention?
  6. Hah! You call this a downfall? It's a setback, nothing more. Anyone who thinks iG will fail is a noob. End of story. Even if you said that about ZAFT, I still wouldn't believe you.
  7. Melissa-Honeybutt, I'm still a member of iG. I am merely running a new clan for another experiment.

    I'm sure I'll be back in iG again or my clan will be assimilated, or we will war together in their next endeavor. Doesn't matter, there's no drama.

    IG is a dynamic clan. Static causes stagnation. New members are joining on a periodic basis and old members are spreading their wings and trying new clans and learning new things.

    Don't invoke me in your idiocy. There is no bad blood between iG and me and no one believes your rhetoric.

    I have to go pick up some items after our scheduled war today. I think I'll go visit my friends.
  8. So, about that tea?
  9. Just what I was thinking Melissa. It's in danger of going back on track. Can't have that. Although valid points are being made by the guys posting.

    Got a tea recipe for us?
  10. Uh... If you add ice to tea, with some sugar; it's tolerable.
  11. Oh, Spagetti with tea doesn't sound that good.

    Although I'd like that dinner Vassia is talking about with a dry merlot then a port in front of the fireplace. Mmmmm port.
  12. Suppose it'd be like those pointless cuppa soup things with noodles. And just as thoroughly disgusting.

    Port... Wonderful drink. Damn sweet, and deceptive. Ended up hammered on port and throwing up various cheeses tried during the night. Very sophisticated.
  13. Remind me not to invite you onto the lion rug in front of the fire there, buddy.

    Bad enough I have to clean the moth print off each time. I hate when the moth is a mothra and winks with its big brown eye. That's a rough night.
  14. Swabs hun we were starting from tea with Herb flavour but we sharing atm some good recipes for spaghetti. In front of the fireplace I would prefer a lava cake with a glass of sparkling French rose wine 
  15. Ah, something from the Mosel valley perhaps? Yes, I'm in. I'll pile up some split cherry to burn, but I have apple wood too. Typically I use the apple to burn when planking fish, or I carmelize it and use it to chip my fermenting beer, but lady's favor on what I burn typically drives the fire.
  16. Aw swabs that s sounds great 
  17. Mmmm nothing screams romantic dinner like Italian and wine.

    Melissa, how you like being owned by an iG? 

    Hahahahaha 
  18. Sweets don't forget the plate with the French cheese

    Melissa u owner looks awesome 

    Enjoy it 
  19. I want an owner like that. :(
  20. Dandelion tea is where it's ate if you are talking herbal. It's like draining for the body. Nothing feels better than a nice dandelion tea cleaningnow that's a happy poop.
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