Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Daan (01), Oct 16, 2009.

  1. 85wmfr7 
  2. Ah just let it die codes are over
  3. Referals are only allowed in the referal code section. This is a violation to the TOS.
  4. U all do know that there is a spacifice area of the forums for codes and u could all get banned or loose ur code
  5. Lol guess this was never moved by the devs when the referal section was created.
  6. Lol just realised the manga guy did a fail bump
  7. Raeki, I was wondern how many mods or pages it would take for someone to say that 
  8. Aw weak. This is months old -.-'
  9. The only thing is this is in the wrong section. Your only allowed to post in the Referral code section not the strategy sections. Your all screwed!
  10. This is before referral section was made.....
  11. Going me plz my code is CDBSMGZTN
  12. Wow I was a noob back then..
  13. Let this die....
  14. Oh wow didn't even look at dates. Why do people bump threads that are months old? So annoying.
  15. Here's mine 
