iG Civil War ... Again!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ralphie, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Tara your so full of crap.....you telling me Ty wasnt in iG until a bout week or so ago.....im mean i know your full of yourself but if ya gonna lie make it seem half truthful at least
  2. A true warrior please....couple of days ago you had on your wall about growing a pair....baby my mains ballshad been bouncing off you chin for a couple of weeks and Larry had a piece of string between your butt cheeks using your arse as a yo yo
  3. Your mains? Lol talkes like a true forum warrior 
  4. I heard Tara was going around town saying there was an "iG Reunion" in a desperate attempt to get people to join her side.

    Ty being Ty fell for it but then caught on after a week in pin that Tara lied.

    Tara did I read your post right?

    Your pinning your spies on a sub clan member trying to "get her to CF" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    That sounds really desperate. If that's "the iG way" that is pretty sad. I will keep an eye on your wall to see if you get that big CF. That could be a huge moment for iG moving forward :oops: :oops:
  5. Gee whiz, I feel like I'm talking to a kindergartner Spartacus. Ty was IN iG, he's NOT iG, do you understand the difference?? Now, you should really go wash out your filthy mouth (and get schooled in proper spelling and grammar). Personal insults are all you have. 
  6. Proper spelling....spell kindergarten for me Tara
  7. So now your saying iG is the be all and end all of the best warriors in KaW but when we getting our arses handed to us we will accept anyone into iG?
  8. Ohhhh Party, "iG Reunion"? No. And I'm not desperate, there's no reason to be. You would have to ask Ty why he left.

    Also, I'm not pinning on a sub clan member, I'm farming/smacking/whatever an enemy. The only sub clan we have is iG Systems (and we're not growing it atm). Easy's Retreat was a -WiT- family clan, not iG.

    Spartacus, kindergartner was used correctly, look it up: "kindergartner: a child attending or of an age to attend kindergarten". SMH 
  9. The two of you need to stop trolling a thread that has nothing to do with you. You're not in the war...unless you'd like to enter formally. 
  10. Can't stop laughing at this thread!!!!!!! Was so worth the 10 mins it took 

    People flaming on here can join the war after its ok  They can smack talk all they want but we will need targets after this war 
  11. How things change...
  12. Tara I think you are onto something here. All of these tactics should be added to the recruitment thread. I am sure there are many who want to learn your ways. ;)
  13. What's all this "we" talk.. Your in the clan for a couple days, make an embarrassing thread, and now your suddenly iG :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Talk about lowering your standards.

    Watch out for Sparhawkbrightblade kid. Make sure you don't have your back to him ;)
  14. You smack crap Tara.....didnt your members say WiT is dead
  15. So if WiT is dead and no longer active in the war and its sub clan is not active in the war and its members that were warring against you are no longer active in this war....arent you drawing a very long bow there
  16. What your saying is im trying to farm someone who is no longer in this osw but gave me grief during it because i cant handle myself agaibst those im supposed to be warring....great look.....is THAT the iG way or just yours
  17. You want to talk about being in kindergarten....your actions show that you havent made it that far yet....go shove that dummy into that vaccuum of a hole in your face and fight who your supposed to be fighting you piss poor
    excuse of a warrior
  18. I'm suddenly iG?
    Why does "we" have to mean a clan rather than a group of friends 

    Roxey, I never hated and slated the clan. I disliked a few yes which they knew from events in the past  This thread is intended to have hate, it's a laugh for us at iG to watch these haters try prove something on a game.
  19. "Us" at iG..

    There's that many of you B (personalities) i forget which is your head and which is your arsehole
  20. Your all just making yourself look like forum warriors. You may as well stop posting, unless you want yourselves to look even more like a joke.
