"Makes total sense". Yeah it does. Thanks for confirming. Fix the big ones. This isn't even an issue. Peta treats animals worse than anyone.
All over, most humans dont respect animal's lives. Most people say they dont want animal cruelty, but then are jamming hambugers and hotdogs down their throats. Dogs, cats, pigs, cows... different cultures all kinda sick imo. I'm a prime example. I dont want animal cruelty, but I have contributed to it for years.
Um.... Well I think your being a little myopic. (This goes to the person who made the thread). You do not realize something, these people eat cats and dogs because that's like our beef and pork. So if your telling me your some veggie person that doesn't eat meat well I'm sorry go cry to someone who cares. If this doesn't make any sense the your naive. Furthermore just saying your compassionate, doesn't mean you are, all we know is your compassionate for animals like you also admitted. In addition I myself do not eat cats and dogs but eat other meats. They were given to us to eat. I'm sorry you feel that way but your wrong and please don't make anymore threads concerning this, cause it is pointless.
Signed. Don't think a petition will change anything, but certainly worth a try.. I know it's an old tradition in China etc, but we evolved so much since, why keep traditions that are so embarrassing to humanity :/
We basicly do the same to animals here behind closed doors, people only care about these dogs and cats because they have one or both for a pet.
Why don't u look up the videos widely available online and see how the cruel way of killing is justified..they boil dogs alive because they believe the fear and pain enhances the taste of meat.. Remember the scandal about in-n-out buying meat from what appeared to be a slaughter house? There's a reason it went viral on national TV and in-n-out dropped them as vendor. It's not the fact that dogs and cats being treated as food, it's the cruel and inhumane manner that those are being killed in
Does it make the meat taste better though? If it does, totally justified. Flavor is always important.
Speak for ur self. I buy cage free eggs/free ranch chicken meat, I don't eat fast food burgers or anything that might use meat from hormone treated cows, etc. Thankfully, there's enough products that specify such things on labels. If companies see the need/demand of such information to be specified, it means that more and more people rather support the humane ways of acquiring our food. If u want something to change u need to start from ur own self.
Wolfie where I live we dont torture animals might be different where you are anyway its wrong and yeh we do have a right and something can be done.
Op is so stupid it hurts. We eat cows and chickens, what's the difference? If you have ever been to a slaughterhouse you know that generally the animals are killed while they are still alive and breathing
Talking about stupid while isn't smart enough to figure out that this very basic 'argument' has been already brought up and addressed many times. Just read up, a few posts above ur own dum dum