If you've ever loved an animal ......

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Queen, Jun 20, 2015.

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  1. I agree that this festival sounds terrible

    But at the same time, it appears we are imposing our worldview on others. The message being conveyed is I know better than you and you are ignorant. Think about it, I think it's wrong but they think it's fine - who are we to think that our beliefs are superior. If the tables were turned and if they were opposed to some things we did and if they signed a petition against them - we would laugh them off. It seems wrong and condescending to boss other cultures around.

    It would be one thing if they ppl of that region considered their actions and stopped - it would be another to shame them and force them to stop

  2. Just a question... What is your defenition of barbaric? Not opposing, just wondering.
  3. Just one question before I ramble on. OP are you a vegetarian?
  5. Ever seen a documentary like Food Inc. or seen all the leaked videos on the Internet showing how some big players in the food industry treat their animals?
  6. I love the concern for animals and not ISIS beheading people. Much bigger issues than this.
  7. So we should only worry about the biggest problems in the world and forget the rest? Makes total sense. Could you post a link to the stop isis petition?
  8. ISIS are humans too, gotta protect everyone
  9. I'd rather save a dog than a member of I.s.
  10. You're a bad person
  11. I think there's people here that think their food wasn't tortured just because they bought it at a supermarket.

    Go watch a documentary on the lives/deaths of chickens then come back and preach. Just because Americans torture their animals in a warehouse doesn't make them more humane than the Chinese doing it in the street.

    I personally wouldn't beat a dog to death, and I'm not thrilled about how animals are treated in general. But I also like my BBQ chicken, and if I'm going to invest myself in a cause, I'll find something more important than this joke.

    Get off your high horse you bunch of hypocrites. ️
  12. Support. Beating the hell out of the animals n laughing the same time or celebrating.. No respect at all.

    If there are practices that humans have to poke lobsters with needles until they die or club a cow to death... yup, only then u can compare.
  13. No I'm not a vegetarian. As I've stated in this thread many times, my issue is not with the eating of whatever meat is freely available, but the torture of the dogs and cats prior to them being killed, the conditions they have to endure prior to death and the inhumane deaths they suffer.

    God gave me canine teeth for a reason. Eating meat is fine. This Meat Festival goes against every compassionate bone in my body. Making animals suffer, even if intended for slaughter is unacceptable.
  14. And saying we eat this or we eat that really isn't what this is about. Cultures do vary. But cruelty is cruelty wherever you live. Yes, what might appear cruel to one is acceptable to others. So we turn our backs because it's not our culture?

    Those animals don't have voices but we do. They don't know they are Chinese! They didn't buy in to this sick Festival. I don't see any animals here having fun?

    Some of the dogs killed are stolen pets. Think yourselves fortunate you're not in China with your dog missing right now!
  15. Once again. Just because Chinese do it openly in the street and others do it in warehouses doesn't make the Chinese villains.

    Whatever country you're from, sort out your own problems before you go butting into China's business.

    The best way to change others is to lead by example. And I only see hypocrites supporting this thread.
  16. But sit there passing judgment on me for speaking out against The Festival if it makes you feel better for turning a blind eye. But I for one won't do that.
  17. OMG. Being a meat eater and yet seeing the wrong in what's happening does not make anyone a hypocrite. It's not about eating meat of whatever description. It's the cruelty of The Festival. Do some research and then comment
  18. My last post because you're an idiot.

    You're not a hypocrite because you eat meat. You're a hypocrite because you don't know how your meat got to the grocery store where you bought it.

    Would you take a serial gender offender (damn filter) seriously if he was giving a speech about women's rights and morality. No. You might agree with the message, but it has no meaning from that source.

    It's the same situation here. Whatever country you're from, you've got no business interfering with how China prepares it's food before a festival. If I was chinese, I'd be ROFL.
  19. Call me what you like. Makes no odds to me. At least I will try to make a stand against something I believe to not be right. Perhaps you should do the same about things you feel are wrong? You won't alter my mind and I won't alter yours. Therefore, if you only choose to insult me please leave this thread.
  20. Do they taste good?
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