I can see your reasoning, but if being cruel is the lack of being humane, than are we treating these animals in the same regard as a human? And if so, would that not mean that their actions against humans (that while being treated in equal scale as a human) are cruel? I don't mean to oppose, but this would clear it up for me.
Interesting, but if we skin humans alive, boil them alive or burn them alive I'm pretty sure in a civilised society that would be frowned upon, if not illegal. Or am I missing your point?
Thank you to everyone who visited, commented and for those that supported and/or signed the petition - my immense gratitude. This thread has served its purpose and I now request a lock / You may still access the link if you want.
This thread has gone to far turned into just a waste of a thread. Mods please lock this thing. The thread owner is obliviously butthurt.