If you've ever loved an animal ......

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Queen, Jun 20, 2015.

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  1. Again we have no right to fix other people when we are worse.

    You seem to ignore this point over and over
  3. I sometimes don't like my invinsible powers :(
  4. Wolfie, its not that the OP is ignoring it... tbh, your point is irrelevant.
    At no point has anyone here in support of petitoning against what china is doing, gone and condoned the other inhumane cruelties present in the world today.
    I am a proud omnivore, yet I totally disagree with any inhumane farming practices, and will go out of my way to support those that follow better ones.
    What they are doing is wrong. Thats final. Have you researched it? Tell me after you have, that you think that what they are doing is ok.
    Yours, and others arguments like yours run on the philosophy that if one person does something wrong, it is fine if others do something wrong.
  5. Maybe I should post some pictures..., damn it seems you people need a wake up call.
  6. That's because it is a stupid point. Are you a moron or something? Basically you're saying a reformed drug addict has no right to prevent his son from using drugs because he used them in the past. A former slave owner cannot speak against slavery cause he had slaves in the past.

    If we follow your advice, civilization would get nowhere.

    Time to use the brain, woifie. It's that lump of grey three feet above your ass.
  7. To all those that have signed the petition and supported my efforts to make others aware of this awful 'Festival' I offer my heartfelt thanks.

    To those who don't meh!
  8. Definition of meh

    Meh is an interjection used as an expression of indifference or boredom. It may also mean "be it as it may". It is often regarded as a verbal shrug of the shoulders. The use of the term "meh" shows that the speaker is apathetic, uninterested, or indifferent to the question or subject at hand.
  9. Killing broccoli plants to eat the broccoli is bad. Who's to say plants don't have feelings too? Just because they can't express them. Maybe we should just eat oxygen. Hopefully the oxygen molecules don't have feelings too
  10. If your purpose was to make people aware, job well done. You've made me aware of a new vacation destination.
    If your purpose was to have this petition stop this festival, I doubt the few internet strangers you gathered from various countries will have any impact on a major Chinese festival.
    Either way, bravo. Your conscience is assuaged by having done something, however little, about this awesome event.
  11. I did something to your nothing. Now please leave this thread.
  12. I'd never stop something that feeds people.
    The needs of the people reign above all else.

    cas out
  13. You seem to have missed my point completely frog should ask the same about you. Need to take your head out of your ass once in a while.

    The way to fix something is not to go around telling others how not to do something when you do it yourself. "Hypocritical and selfish"

    Your point about a druggy telling there son not to use drugs fails as much as you're trying. Nobody listens to hypnotics no matter how good the intention is. What the son will see if their parant doing the drug and thinking it's ok you can take to any bank.

    You want to fix a problem you fix the problem yourself within your own area before fixing others. People do not follow by being told or judged by others whom do exactly what they do and worse.

    People follow by example so again why should the Chinese change their ways when we have factory closed door slaughter houses it's the exact same thing. Only difference is people see dog and cat and think they are on a higher moral stand. Time to get off your stomp and get in the dirt with the rest of us.

    If op really wanted to they would of done a partition to improve the life of farm animals within their own country. Not cats and dogs in some other county.
  14. How would you know that I don't?

    Your intentions here are to flame. Please leave the thread.
  15. I know you haven't because you didn't post it to improve farm animal life. I'm not flaming I'm stating very good reason why you only care about some other countries issues that your own issues.

    But hey not my fault you can't provide the answers other than repeating the same crap over and over ;)
  16. You think it's crap. That just shows the kind of person you are. I've asked you politely to please leave this thread. Don't get forum banned by a mod ;)
  17. No I think you're crap, if you really cared you would be fighting to change animal abuse instead of removing a tradition that's almost like our Christmas. I maybe cold hearted and bitter but changed someone's tradition is just as bitter and cold as animal cruelty.

    You've clearly shown the person you're when you can't make any remarks or arguments to even fight for your idea, you've let other people do it for you while you sit high and mighty.

    But do keep your head up your ass because you've chosen to think my comments is entirety against animals, should read though my posts carefully.

    Because I'm against animal cruelty but I'm also against being hypocrites towards others.
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