IF you want GH Plunder not to be down pm here and stand us:)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DoPE-BoY_FReSHh, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. Quit whining. No one feels sorry for gh's.
  2. I feel bad for being a gh after reading this thread. It means I have to be grouped in with the op :(
  3. Quit bitching, and just join an HTE clan and convert like the rest of us who used to be GH's and stop cheating or exploiting the game to get ahead. God, just stop whining, it's a game.
  4. Quit *whining and join an HTE clan like the rest of us, no one wants to hear it.
  5. Shhh

    Just reading these posts make me feel butthurt.
  6. Lol he's so butthurt. GET THE OP SOME OINTMENT STAT!
  7. Who are you talking about?

    You seemed really butthurt as well..
  8. No, lol I'm not butthurt. I just hate when they complain and think the devs are going to change their minds. I didn't ***** or whine I just joined an HTE clan and made money and converted like everybody else instead of sitting on my butt and doing nothing hoping for results!
  9. well at least somebody around here is getting some 
  10. Mhm I'm converting slowly
  11. This thread is awash with the stink of fail. Lol.
  12. I don't even want to convert. I'll probably just stay gh. The nerf can't be that bad.
  13. Terrible ... I'd rather read a dr Seuss book then this thread . Face it , the two day build ( GH ) needed this change . Now grab a towel , dry your eyes , and move on . That was a pathetic thread op
  14. I just realized the title says "and stand us"
  15. I was a GH build and started converting right before the announcement and my stats are looking good for a few weeks. That's with limited HTE's!!
  16. They forget about the ppl that are gh that are trying to grow...not war all the time
  17. Do you guys think it would be good to make a chili taco?
  18. OK tell you what gh builds, ill support your no drop in plunder IF you support my increase in plunder off gh buildsツ so istead of the you hit me for 50m i hit you for 1m lets go you 50 me 40, least it will be a bit more reasonable then:)
  19. So much hate and noob tears,....
    I like it 
  20. Front, you trying to create more OSFS?