Lmao. Start playing the game like the rest of us. Oh, and here are a few periods to go with that. ...............
I don't like converting... And actually were the ones who were playing but y'all must've enjoyed losing. But either way I'm sick of GH threads, let them die.
Yea it sucks that the lowest tier spy building wont have the best plunder anymore. It's not fair that I won't be able to make more with a 50b build than with big peoples 3T builds anymore. It's just not fair. ^^ only a little sarcasm
OP, I feel bad for you. Actually, no I don't. Devs did this for a reason: GHs are a little overpowered.
Bought damn time (2yrs) devs finally did as they promised. Made the GH where it should have been. And all the whiners who reaped its rewards : suck my balls
Everybody is saying that GH's are the ones whining the most. But awhile ago you were the whiny bitches.
Ugh guys I'm a Gh and I don't spam forums....gosh. To OP, Gh should have been patched LONG ago. So honestly we should be apologizing to them for screwing up their game so much :lol:
Carnage... Guess you have many farms to choose from.. Gh seriously I have more to lose than most as I converted recently... Quit the butt hurt... Move on folks
You babies should stop already. I'm only 16 days old with no real money spent only xtals I got from quest and I'm T4 LLBC already. Stop crying and upgrade that's the point of this whole thing. It's to get people upgrading and not letting the game die because of a broken game mech devs should have fixed with t4 release.