If you could save your friends with a ff would you ?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Your_Karma_Bill_Is_Due_Nooblet, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. Well then create a set of rules . Must have geater than x successful actions and be above x number in plunder
  2. Make it hard to exploit , this is a brainstorming session after all :) thanks for the feedback
  3. It's a game :?
  4. Why not have it so that the person can "sacrifice" himself for one member? Say like I sacrificed myself for redstar or someone, I'd give my amount of troops to them. If enough people do it, then he gets a free regen.
  5. That is also a great idea :)
  6. Statless Alts Would abuse this. :(
  7. *counters xtal with xtal I win!
  8. Farr , thats why I said make a mandatory war contribution prior to casting , say > 75-200 SUCCESSFUL ACTIONS
  9. None of the ninja noobs would be able to cast . So forget the "I'm gonna go dormant till the last moment and drop a Sac ( pun intended ) .
  10. I'd rather see the plunder list stay still once you access it, not like its is now, all jumpy.
    If the top plunderer decides to make the sacrifice there would be something to it.
  11. Except that your PLUNDER CONTRIBUTION stays in the pot, else the spell could upset the war . Its a necessity . You would not want top plunderer taken out along with his gold. It would completely negate the purpose of the spell my friend lol .
  12. How bout only of the top 10 most plunder may activate this spell;
  13. But the you would need to put a certain amount in place. Say must have x % of your clans plunder to cast?
  14. Would not want a 1 hit wonder doing it and riding the coat tails of his/her family. Even though they get nothing.
  15. there is no such thing as magic
  16. I'm in. The awesomest idea thread i've seen in my life