Pwars were the good days of KaW but would now not fit in with the general running, it would simply take too long for the attackers of the OSF to build up funds for the lands/buildings now out. The Devs will also make more money off of EB's and the effort to remove the scripting and changing the SW system back to how it used to be would be a waste of time... No Support. :roll:
Pwars where not the good ol days you bunch of fools. Good ol days was before pwars when you only had battle list to grow on and occasionally a wc osf opening. Pwars was the brain dead days of kaw when you came on unloaded left and came back a hour later. Pwars also started the great wc ad debacle and now we are stuck with a wc full of nooby clan ads and hire my ally's.
How do pwars constitute as a war? Lol it was pretty much an epic. Noobs these days. I swear if they enter the war system then they call themselves "war vets"
Pwars are really no reward anymore. Epics end bonus covers for what an osf would pay. No need to bring back something that only benefited to grow spies for their clan when spies can grow easily now.
Exactly hand pwars are useless epics pay much better gold then you will get wacking a osf all day. And you can use more xtals on eb then in a 24-48 hour system war. Pwars are a prehistoric game feature with no use in the current Kaw time line.
Whats the difference between a Pwar and an EB? You dont get hit back in either one. I dont see why youd want them back. Its sad your reasoning is to make it look like you war. Which is a stupid reason. Only thing Pwars did cause that EBs cant are OSWs. Someone outside the PWar could pin the OSF/OAF and then boom instant OSW cause of an angry clan. Noone outside an EB can pin an EB. Least EBs take some strategy too, without Wulfs guide, people would be lost doing some EBs ans have to figure it out. Just saying.