idiot monkey in iw clan heedless marauders

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iiillliiiillliillii, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. Re: EE MOLE

  2. Re: EE MOLE

    Support his support to support supporting the support.
  3. I was in the war, it was a nightmare, and old boy spamming the worst reset.
    Another spammer , mynameisyoursecondname , saying he was trying to call opens... well I have SS to prove he post random numbers and lot of letters. I rant very little, I play for ee, I enjoy the wars, have done all I can to help. But I bring you 4 or 5 of the 23 SS I have.







    He then reset. Was only trying to throw the war. Did a fine job too, of cluttering up cc and making chasing reds impossible, as I said, I rant very little, but this is enough. Tough enough to get a legit win, impossible with moles spamming cc to confound WC orders, xstal calls and chase reds.
    Enough already , trolls will troll, always welcome, but if you enjoy this game for the aspect of your choice, do you want it to go down the drain because some cheat, or want to ruin your enjoyment?

    There are so many options available to each type of player. Must you destroy all others who do not play as you do? PVP, there are pvp events , I had fun in it, but im not a pvp oriented player outside of system wars and dev sponsored pvp events, if you crave pvp all the time, find one who is game, lots out there. OSW... there are many osw clans willing to take you in and teach you to OSW, good luck trying to ruin that for them, they will shut you down, they like to teach trouble makers to mind their manners. Butt hurt, yes I am, not enough salve to heal my ache. Eb's must be done to maintain any amount of growth for any aspect of this game, but that aside, why ruin it for people who pick a certain part of the game to play, devs provide so much, seams to me some of you just show a miserable lifestyle, and get happy to ruin others fun. Good luck in life. I'm done now. TL;DR forgetaboutit..... not far from finished with this.
  4. reserved in case edit doesn't work on my last post..... new forum layout has me confused. :eek:
  5. Re: EE MOLE

  6. Get out of noob bracket, this doesn't happen in higher brackets
  7. I'm not agreeing with the majority of posts that are saying "grow out of the bracket" or "that's a risk you take doing Indies". That's a ******** argument. Doesn't matter what kind of war it is or what size you are, players in indies should be granted the same type of warring experience as every one else.
  8. I agree
  9. Re: EE MOLE

  10. Solution to spamming War chat :

    When you block someone from his profile you can't see him in allies chat or world chat or clan chat

    Would solve alot if blocked button served a purpose other than stopped them from walling you.
  11. Support
  12. Bump for friend to read