Ideas - Increasing Mith Payout of Losing Side in War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RI---___Rayquaza89___---RI, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. Lol Shadow. No.
  2. In my last war, we won and an inactive guy got 58 mith while me being active the entirety of the war only got 37 
  3.  what was the clan name
  4. I see what ur saying and I think if you did this it would be fine if they made it more of a curve. Players who put more effort in get even more mith (say the difference between 14 and 19 mithril) where as players that put no to little effort in get even less. Raise the loser Mith cap to 30 Mithril with only the most active getting 30 and the least active getting 0. Or you could make it so that its a curve based off that one war so somebody gets really low amount and somebody gets a high amount so it's a in-clan competitive thing. But I dunno this is just me spoutin ideas off of what you have. Tell me whatcha think I guess.
  5. Maybe a double mith week/weekend
  6. During triple mith weekend i got 50 miths instead of 35 .-.
  7. Or op why don't you grow so you go into a higher bracket with people who give a **** if there are moles and inactives so that there is an incentive to war. Don't ask for a hand out because you are lazy and feel entitled and do not want to actually war win or lose. If you want more mith war more often.
  8. No need for an increase of any kind. Yet there is a need for a decrease for some. Specifically, the people who get a broken sword, whether they are on the winning or losing side, should not get back any mith, period. The fact that you can get a broken sword AND mith is a joke.
  9. i think is not the people who give up is the number of alts used for indi wars and increase mith pay just will create more inactives i think creating a war badge for wars will come handy that way all will be able to track % of performance on players and still that wont solve the prob with activity,my idea is war badge with actions + game clan boots like play chess with the computer so that will cut the alts inactivity will make totally new look people will combine and work together as team and wont be needed to set alts to make other clan pay some people will be inactive again but still that wont be needed to implant alts only because main account need more mith :)
  10. 14mith x 1= 14mith same as it is now...
  11. Even if i win wars i still get the amount when i lose. Explain that hahaa
  12. Losers r losers and they deserve to lose 
  13. I agree with this, but only for primals. If u want mith for losing with a good effort, then get your clan involved. Letting a high action player on a losing side earn 20-24 is not gonna change mith prices, but may get more clans warring. As for indies, moles, spammers and non xstallers have ruined it. I only war with strangers now when I feel like a good laugh.
  14. No support the losing side should be happy they get any mith after a defeat
  15. Could people stop quoting the whole thread?
  16. Op just lose a war  :lol:
  17. So give more mith for losing? Point is you lost. I give no support. Sorry for inactives but its part of the game.
  18. And lets give all nba participants a championship ring
  19. Lol warring with statless increase ur stats lmao
  20. Support #fuckyallnosupporters :lol: