Ideas for the Content Team

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Chaos, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Awesome ideas! I especially like the 3 way wars and the implement of a 3rd bar. Those would definitely be great additions to kaw and liven up the game a bit.
  2. I love all 3 of these ideas, well thought out, support! Now just wait for KaW Com :lol:
  3. New unit? :shock:

    God knows what that would do to OSW
  4. Personally I have always enjoyed the thought of the equivalent of a 'kaw nuke'. Extremely difficult to build. Takes brains. Takes hard work. Would take trust and teamwork (ie no individual kingdom could build alone) and would therefore encourage clan loyalty.....or spies. And ultimately has the potential to annihilate. Would need multiple user to initiate and deploy. Defenses would have to be available (but requiring similar work/talent). Clans might have 'locations'? Making where your clan resides important (to avoid any potential collateral damage). So on and so forth.

    Just some random thoughts but I agree with Chaos the game has become far too 'one/two dimensional. Needs a third dimension....devs gotta start thinking outside the box...and more importantly be able to execute. Which given their difficulty with a simple plunder bonus distribution may be a tall order.

    I love the thought provocation here though chaos. Good work and definitely hope devs start going down this path.
  5. Thanks Hat, much respect!
  6. I was thinking about content in a whole other context before I opened this thread. Needless to say, I was not quite prepared for this..At all.
    Good ideas, though.
  7. For the 1v1v1, What would you do if Clan A wanted to forfeit but Clan B and Clan C didnt want to forfeit?
  8. Maybe not illusionist but mages would be the way forward, warrior, stealth, magic are the usually three. However there's a lot of mages and **** that are part of the building such as the elven necromancer etc
  9. I love the equipment trading market. Many players would get equipment, sell it then get that equipment again and then sell it again. It would be a new way to earn money.
  10. I wouldn't mind being able to sell inferno and aqua or mith. Maybe not sell equipment to others but trade equipment for gold
  11. Not gonna happen. May as well ask for a lock.

    Great ideas according to ATA.

    - We will have another HTE/ROTWB promo within 2 weeks.
    - EB fairy time trials, (not planned a few months ago in roadmap update)
    - Hunt events
    - New lands and buildings
    - HTE promos
    - more HTE promos
    - did we mention HTE promos

    Bad ideas:

    - anything that isn't an actual update

    Terrible ideas:

    -PvP changes. No I'm not talking about EE.