Ideas for the Content Team

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Chaos, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Third bar could be something thats utilizes more of a "ranged" or a "magic-user". What I mean is, i could be used to "cripple" regen times, "dispel" mith spells, temporarily "incapacitate" a building or boost attack actions to make an opponent loose more units rather than gold. Just throwing it on the table of ideas 
  2. I hate to play devils advocate, but the idea of a clan deciding for themselves in regards to what's best for their perspective has always been what kaws about. Whether you add an alliance or not does not change the scale. In the end, what takes precedence is each clan position. Sure their may be a temporary armistice and the 2 alliance clans may decide to gang on you amidst battle, but depending on the situation, there may be repercussions. So what's one solution to avoid 2 vs 1 scenarios intentionally? It's all economics: a matter of cost and benefits.

    All that needs to be done is depending on the scenario, the losing clan at this point (losing by a significant amount of plunder) would earn a 2x regen. This would give them a slight advantage and overpower a clan even at SKO. Plus, given the situation of a clan that has more to lose in this war then other EE wars, their would be more incentive to play fair then manipulate the system. For example, giving 3rd place clans losing no mith but minus 2x edge, while second place earns no mith however losing 1x edge and 1st place triple normal rewards. It would encourage fair play. This may still not encourage fair play, but it's a start.

    Hey Val! :)
    Individual wars certainly are a good start for this set up of wars, so I can't dismiss that! :p

    Good Idea Guillotine! Regardless a new build which is completely different from most would change things up significantly! In your scenario, this build would serve a great purpose in osw and ee, super deadly in the battlefield. :)
  3. I like it chaos. Support, lol you with that 3rd bar idea. The market sounds nice but People earned there equipment and most won't part with it easily not to mention to creat a trade page they would have to extend the home page of kaw layout to add the new button for market. The could potentially copy forums making and instead of posts put listings for sales. But the devs would need more mods to over view purchases and sales. The third bar would require a huge movement in build mechanics. That would take a lot of time and money. I don't see the devs providing this one unfortunately.
  4. I like the idea of a third bar. I play on a 3rd partyapp, where you at first have to ug your 'castle' (th) and from one point you can build a storage for the 'third bar', which you can train new troops with later. I like the concept of this, so the devs could encourage people to do some stuff, like you need at least two of those (new) buildings in the hl to have this 3rd bar. May also make sh less powerful.

    Have you already thought out what this 3rd bar could do? (Spies can take out eitger troops and spies or only spies)

    nice ideas, chaos.
  5. No 3 clan wars. That would be WAY too confusing for WC's.
  6. I like these ideas you bring. Support! :)
  7. I like the 3 clan war idea-support
    I like the new bar idea-support

    However, I think equipment market is a bad idea as players would try to earn gold and slowly the price for season/event equips will rise and players would just be a "equip trader" trying to earn gold.

    If this happens, obviously the ones with most kaw currency (LB) will have an edge as they have more resources to trade-profit from the equip market, taking control of the market.

    This way, smaller players will be left out, and the gap will be even wider.

    Just my $0.20..
  8. I like everything but the items.

    If you would go further in details what the restrictions would be, I might be game.

    I like the 3 way war, I believe indy wars would be best for that.

    I would support a 3 bar of actions far more than a new tier of builds.
  9. Good ideas maybe add in multiple clan ebs too?
  10. problem why ee-wars going from 100vs100 to 12vs12 is too many wars every week .... if only 3 wars / week then more rare and more ppl will join ...
  11. for third bar it could be like healers witch regain your troops faster for a certain amount of time. Or healers make you use less wariors than the normal amount. I dunno just ideas.
  12. It would be cool if their were 1v1 EE.
  13. But with the 3rd bar i think it should be something for pvp not ebs
  14. Yea where the hell is the clan updates??
  15. I believe they should turn 'spies' bar into rogues. Would make more sense.

    And I would full support a mage bar. It would make the game much more dynamic. I wouldn't know what they'd call it. 'Offensive magicians'? :lol: maybe it it could have defensive and offensive abilities that cost part of the bar.

    Or maybe we could make it kill spies and other mages and not troops (to make spies less OP). a rock, paper, scissor system would be nice to see.
  16. I'm full support of the buying and selling of equip and such. I mean, we still have people buying and selling accounts. Why not equip?
  17. Third bar? U mean kinda like a scissors paper stone mech?
  18. I like it but not sure could be to much for kaw