I like the idea that it will encourage others to war. Well done Panda and HoG member, good idea. Supported
Support. Killed wars last week s1 b/c too risky to lose that last piece. Plus KaW made ee to increase clan loyalty and being forced to leave clan to war defeats that.
I don't know if someone taught you this, but you have to give credit everytime, not just once. Especially when you go an say my idea in the request thread AND giving NO recognition in the request thread
I gave you this thread. It didnt get moved to the ideas thread, i made a new one, in accordance with rules of topic required. You couldve just simply said you were the HoG i made reference to for credit. But you gone and done that thread? Wow
You made a final draft producing MY idea without MY permission or consent. That is plagiary. You could have even asked me for my name, but you just refer to me as some hog member. Not to mention you took 100% credit for it in the final request! This doesn't mean anything, because you still failed to ask for my consent of use on the idea, hell you didn't even bother to tell me.