Idea for new update: Win/Fail Ratios!?!?!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -_Vic-The_Vicious_-, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. @Zeth

    For the Eb ratio, I was actually meaning that. A win/fail ratio for each individual Eb and once started doing tier5 Ebs, you get a reward for being in Top 20. Let it be like a plunder bonus reward or something, only for the clan and the bonus is permanent to the clan itself.
  2. Completely agree
  3. Great idea. That way you know which clans are crap, and which aren't :D
  4. I think instead of win/loss for ebs it should eb replaced with, "Favorite Eb". Some clans do haunting most, others HtE, there are TSG clans, etc....

    Most clans complete their ebs so i think would be a waste to show the percentage of how many of their ebs are wins. A show of which eb is most done truly shows what kind of clan it is :)