[Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? [Updated]

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Usiek, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    A flash browser?
  2. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    Can't you make a shortcut to your desktop with kaws website? Seems easier to me
  3. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

  4. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

  5. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    Support. Perfect opportunity to improve the layout on pc as well.
  6. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

  7. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    On OS X there is an app called Fluid that saves Facebook cookies and bundles this webpage as an application that you can run multiple instances of. It rocks
  8. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    Use private browsing :mrgreen:
  9. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    Lol Castiel.
  10. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    Ouch.. No... No you can't...

    You are only allowed one Facebook account to kaw with. If you link your Facebook to an I device or android then you may make another pc account.

    It is categorically against ToU to have many alts with many Facebook/ATA ID logins
  11. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    Quick op delete your post before an ss is take- aw no I hit the ss button. Unrelated note, I'll be right back.
  12. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    What if you have multiple legit fb accounts? Also could you specify where it says you cannot have many alts? I mean... I've seen people with over 7 so...
  13. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    So it's against tou to have 3 phone accounts that are all linked to different Facebook/ata IDs and accessing them all on PC at different times then?
  14. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    That would bring a lot Windows Phone users as well
  15. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    Damn the people these days don't know the ToU at all.

    You can have: One PC account. That's only one account. Even if you have 500 PC's you can only have ONE account.
    With every different device you have, you can have one new account. That doesn't mean that if you have two S5's you can have two accounts. That means that if you have an S5 and S6 you can have two accounts, one from each phone.

    Also, Moody... You're one of the new VK's I assume? I haven't been on in five months. Unless you switched your name I have no idea who you are. O.O
  16. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    No, you're only allowed 1 PC only account. You may log in to any of your device accounts on PC, as well as that PC account.
  17. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    That's what I'm trying to say, being able to log into accounts which you have created on other devices plus the one on the PC.
  18. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    You do realize... That's exactly what I just said, only worded differently. In that case you would need different Facebook accounts for them, according to moody breaking tou in the process.
  19. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    Yeah, I got a windows phone not in use an I can't use it because it lacks flash to animate kaw, so is useless for kaw so my guess is something similar with ops issue
  20. Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10?

    People misunderstanding the use of this thread 